
In a game of "lie, cheat, and steal," we draw a line at tugging at the heartstrings? The game doesn't suddenly end right before final tribal. The game ends when someone is rewarded a million dollars. Do what you gotta do to win that cash.

The post-show interviews are a great read. According to Jeremy, they didn't show the entire scene with Kelley when they were discussing possibly going to the fire-making challenge. Immediately after, he told her that he was sorry, but he just couldn't bring her to the finals because she was too huge a threat. Jeremy's

I think everybody's original plan was to bring Kimmi to F4, then vote out whichever of Spencer and Jeremy didn't have immunity, and have Kimmi as a goat at F3. Kimmi's betrayal messed things up and they had no choice but to go to F3 with each other. If Jeremy hadn't won the final immunity, there's no doubt in my mind

His first one was perfect, but he only played his second one after Kelley played hers first. I would've been more impressed if he played his first.

I wonder the same thing about Tasha as well, since she was a huge challenge threat during Cagayan but felt like she was holding back here.

In my eyes, his incessant insistence that he grew as a person was just as much an emotional ploy as Jeremy's baby story. Constantly saying, "I made bonds with everybody and I'm social player" doesn't magically make it true, no matter how much you repeat it. And the reaction of the jury shows that he failed to make the

In a way it was risky, since there have been jurors in the past who would have voted against him for the sob story. But he got a good enough read of the jury to know that it would only bolster his case. I definitely think it was unnecessary, though, and he would have won without it based on what the jurors were

I agree that Tasha did a lot more than she was given credit for (often the case for female players), and Spencer should have made more out of his move against Fishbach. Both should have played up the fact that they knew Kimmi was going to flip but Jeremy didn't, but the onus was on them to convince the jury that and

Oh, don't get me wrong, it was totally manipulative, but the reason why it was good gameplay was because he didn't use it to manipulate his way to the final 3. If it was true that he won solely because of the pregnancy, then that meant he could have just announced it at the beginning and have everyone carry him to the

Surprisingly, Savage does praise Tasha's pre-merge gameplay in the YouTube "The Jury Speaks" videos, saying that she was like his Survivor sister. The problem was that, like everybody else, he never really saw her do anything after the merge.

The way he framed it, he was able to keep his mouth shut about being a proud new father for 39 days because he rightfully knew it would put a target on his back.

I feel like bringing Kimmi to the end as a goat was his plan exactly, and the reason he was so upset at her flipping was because she potentially ruined his game by forcing him to bring Spencer instead.

I hated Spencer in Cagayan, but thought he improved a lot this season…until his true colors came out again.

Jeff: Requisite mention of pre-merge boot, Woo.

The show is totally going to reverse the Supergirl reveal to Cat. I don't think Kara actually confirmed it since they were interrupted by a call, so J'onn will probably shapeshift as Kara or Supergirl so both can appear to Cat at the same time. I will also accept Winn in drag and a blonde wig.

The costume looks fantastic, but I can never keep track of whether she has telepathy, telekinesis, or both, so it'll be interesting to see what the movie gives her. The important thing is that they allude to the fact that she was a Caucasian, British woman, just to confuse people.

I would've been fine if the movie had just used the X-Men: Evolution lineup (with Scarlet Witch subbed in for Mystique), but for the life of me I can't figure out why they went with Psylocke.

He sounds way too soft spoken. I guess they're going for a Jesus vibe, but he doesn't sound menacing or powerful at all.

I, for one, can't wait until the inevitable gay porn parody, Sex-Men: Twinkpocalypse, which will somehow be indistinguishable from the real movie.