
I hope it becomes a recurring gag that Malcolm is somehow unrecognizable unless he takes off his hat to expose his hair.

Whenever a Random Roles comes out I have a tendency to skip over any roles that I'm not familiar with, just because I don't have the proper context. But the truly great RRs are the ones you can read from start to finish because of how infectious the interviewee's enthusiasm is, and this is one of those. Fantastic job,

Oh, god, I completely blocked that from my memory. I was actually excited to see Cary on the show, but they absolutely wasted the character and disposed of him in the lamest way possible.

I can't wait until they work on a project together, and Sanada goes, "You! You're the guy!"

Whitehall seemed to have no idea what the Diviner or Inhumans were, either. I'm guessing the more cultish aspects were primarily found in the English branch.

That's racist!

Definitely a far cry from when they used CGI just to show planes turning around or landing. The effects are more interesting now, but I still wish they'd save their budget to showcase Inhumans better.

Well, damn, I think you just spoiled the next plot twist. I can easily imagine Rosalind saying that she never sent a "Will" on a mission while she was at NASA.

Now that I think about it, Age of Ultron also referenced Wolfram and Hart. I wonder if Jed and Maurissa purposely chose the Ram symbol to connect it to that Asgard scene?

Mark Dacascos and Ming-Na must have gotten the Inhuman power of never aging. I can't believe both are 51.

I think the simple explanation is that there's no record of Eliza giving birth or being pregnant at the time, so they've been going with the whole adoptive family story for a long time now.

To be fair, true Gotham level of crap foreshadowing would be changing her name from Leslie Willis to Liv Wyre.

I feel like a second season is inevitable. What remains to be seen is whether it'll be on CBS or the CW. I wonder sometimes if some of the writing is due to network interference, so if a move to CW gives the writers more freedom I'd be all for it.

Villain of the week I can deal with, but the unsubtle moral of the week brand of storytelling they've been using is really starting to grate. Especially when one week's lesson learned completely negates the previous week's. Do we really believe that we'll see a kinder, gentler Cat from now on?

I really want to believe that "Oh, shut up, you mean girl!" was written to show us how hilariously inept Kara is at witty banter, and not because the writers actually think it's witty banter. I want to, but I don't.

I'm really dreading the announcement that Sava will be given the prime Jessica Jones assignment. That show has a plethora of women, two black males, a lesbian, and the always under-represented purple people. But somehow Oliver will still find a way to criticize it for lack of diversity.

I want the show to go really meta and have Zoom be John Wesley Shipp. In Earth 2, there was a Flash show in the '90s that got cancelled prematurely. But now John has heard about a young, new Flash who stole all of the glory that he should've had. That's why he wants to be the only speedster left.

"I'm not Superman's cousin. And to show how different I am, I'll copy his costume."

Superman was dealing with a volcanic eruption? More like Volcana eruption. That sounded dirtier than I intended. What I'm trying to say is, bring on Peri Gilpin to play Volcana in live action.

Interesting that the cast and crew liked Kushell, but if he was the one behind the show's current tone and pacing then it's for the best.