
Definitely necessary after the travesty that was Dong on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

We've seen Brock this season, but it feels almost as if Walter has replaced him as part of Eddie's posse. Either it's because the actor is busy or just looks way taller/older than the other kids (even though he's apparently only one year older than Hudson Yang).

"Name one Chinese person on TV."

I'm praying that Good Morning Orlando becomes a recurring background gag, which the show has been great at producing (e.g., Denim Turtle, pizza tables). Everything about it was pure gold.

Okay, I'm calling it now: Zoom is Earth-2 Joe, just to continue the theme of black allies secretly being the big bads.

The full name of Kara's tech friend, Winn, is Winslow Schott, Jr. That means either he or his father (or both) will end up being Toyman. Interestingly, Cat Grant has a connection to Toyman in the comics which they can mine for a lot of dramatic tension in the future.

Apparently he ad-libbed the line, "Lady Justice, may I come inside you?"

I mostly enjoyed it, but I really hated how the eliminations were handled. It seemed to go against the spirit of the show to allow scheming and backstabbing.

It would've been a great series had they actually fleshed out the killer's motives and had actual clues. The network actual had to force the producer to insert the "clues" in the final episode, which the producer at first resisted because he didn't think it mattered. Kinda shows you how much thought was put into the

I believe the male and female finalists appeared in an NBC television movie.

If anything qualifies as a guilty pleasure, it was Superstar USA. On one forum, one of the posters met one of the choreographers involved a few years later and brought the show up. A huge smile appeared on his face, and he said that every day he thought a hole would open up and swallow everyone involved into hell.

Scream Queens was amazing. Yes, there were some awful wannabe actresses, but the judges and coaches were actually great at giving solid acting advice, and I was surprised by some of the performances by the end. Now that James Gunn is a huge movie director I'd love for him to use his clout to revive the show.

Capture really should've had co-ed teams, though. It ended exactly the way I had feared, with an all-female team being taken to the finals by an all-male team because they'd be easier to beat.

Ah, The Family. I'll never forget George Hamilton literally getting knocked off his perch by a golf cart.

Decent is a good way to describe it. I liked the puzzles and the general concept of evading guards. However, there was one big problem with it: camera operators that made it glaringly obvious where the contestants were. It would've benefited from better technology, like sensors that reacted to the guards' flashlights.

I still wonder if Fred Thompson's reaction is from the first take, because he really did look like he was caught off guard.

Pfft, that's your excuse for everything.

Three words: Pork and beans.

It should be noted that MiSTX was brought over to the UK as The Murder Game. It was the same basic concept, but had refined rules and better acting that made it a much more enjoyable watch. It may have also had the only competent older white lady to have ever appeared in reality TV. I binged the complete series on

No My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss? It was basically the best Apprentice ever, with tasks like selling hot soup on a hot summer day and convincing Chicago stores to sell merchandise that said "Chicago blows.". Oh, and it also the most fair reality competition show ever; the eliminated contestants were chosen by spinning a