
If it make you feel any better, there are actually numerous accounts of real-life dogs who waited for their dead owners for years. The most famous of which is probably Hachiko.

"Tend to the widow Pac-Man" hasn't been quoted yet? For shame, AV Club. For shame!

I still think Jenna wore it better.

Okay, but what about ABC's Sleepy Hollow?

Again, that story would be false, since they tied in the demo last week. Although, I believe Flash did outperform SHIELD in the demo during its premiere week.

Now that Emily VanCamp is free from Revenge, I want her to be the common thread that ties Agent Carter, Agents of Shield, and Civil War together. And for the hell of it, just introduce Nolan into the MCU.

Flash and SHIELD actually tied in the key demo (not total viewers) last week after AoS was adjusted up. Of course, this didn't stop people from rushing out "Flash Beats SHIELD" headlines based on fast nationals. I'm not even sure why people make the comparison since they're not on at the same time.

Yeah, I've heard some guys say they like Asian women because they're submissive and make perfect housewives, unlike "independent" American women. So creepy.

He has mentioned having "boyfriends" in the past, so I know he's not against using that label. But, yeah, I think I'll just ask if he wants me seeing anyone else, and then segue into asking him if I'm the only one he's been seeing. My primary concern is STDs, and though we've been playing safe, it would just give me

Yup, "No Asians" is pretty disheartening. But on the opposite end, my friend was actually telling me that she hates it when guys tell her they have an "Asian fetish."

Well, that's the thing. I'm more than okay with taking things slowly, which is why it's so confusing that he's the one who always says stuff that I assume one would say when in a relationship. I definitely wasn't expecting an "I love you" so soon, which is partly why I responded with the Bender quote. Also, I've been

I've been seeing a guy for a month now and last weekend he told me, "I love you so much." I responded the only reasonable way: "Shut up, baby, I know it." I think I can die happy now.

Wayne has improved A LOT since the show began. When he first started he looked horrified to be there, but he's loosened up and seems to genuinely be having fun now. I seem to recall Tiffany being a silent model when the show began, but they've been giving her more and more to do over the years.

The worst part is that the violence and gore just feels gratuitous. On Daredevil, a lot of the more violent scenes served a purpose, to show just how menacing people could be. But I never got that feeling from Gotham. Instead, it just came across as, "Look at me! Look how crazy and violent I am!"

There was already an animated Sabrina show where she voiced the two aunts while her younger sister played Sabrina.

I dunno, I still love the "president of the Philippines" line from the pilot. In fact, there were quite a few random references to the Philippines over the years, and it was nice to see them acknowledge that there's more to Asia than China/Japan/Korea.

They delved into it during the Xmas episode. Basically, he felt alone because of all the friends and family he left behind, and she felt alone because she was the only one left of her species*

How do you feel about "Marvel vs. DC movies"?

SHIELD's ratings adjusted up to 1.5, so it ended up being a "tie" anyway. And demo aside, last night's SHIELD actually had the most total viewers since the mid-winter break.