
When I saw the Skye scene, I immediately thought to myself, "I bet Kevin Tancharoen directed this episode." Oddly, he also directed the Bug-Eyed Bandit episode of The Flash, but I don't recall the action scenes there being too memorable. Maybe he just does better with physical combat.

It always bugged me that the first one was officially titled, "Marvel's The Avengers." Whenever I searched for it on Netflix it would never show up under "A."

Watched Jurassic Park with the boyfriend(?) in preparation for Jurassic World. I still can't believe how well the effects hold up more than 20 years later. I'm really hoping that JW will stick to the use of both practical effects and CGI.

Shamelessly reposted:

Wh-what is a weekend?

I remember when I first got Vol. 4 of the DVDs and thought to myself, "I don't think I've ever seen 'Pharaoh' before." Then I watched it and realized I purged it from my memory.

Au contraire, if a guy actually laughed in recognition instead of staring at me blankly, I'd know he was a keeper.

"Is there Mrs. Queequeg?" makes me laugh way more than it should. If I were a woman, I'd totally use it as a pickup line.

I'm really loving the extended cast of characters that The Goldbergs has built, so it was great to see JTP, all of the teachers, and even all of the neighborhood moms in one episode.

What he meant to say was, "It's like kissing a peanut!"

I saw one profile on Grindr that said, "I'm one of the Top 10 ass eaters in NYC." My only question is, where do I sign up to judge such things?

What bugs me most about Gotham is that it every villain is depicted a violent, psychotic serial killer. It's like watching a show full of Jokers, except for the actual Joker.

One thing?!

If we're losing Bobbi, I'm hoping they get Emily VanCamp to reprise her Agent 13 character on AoS and actually give her something to do for a change.

Honestly, I kinda hated the way Wesley was killed. The show had been really good at defying certain expectations, so for him to "take care" of Karen alone without telling anyone was pretty ludicrous already. But to leave a loaded gun within her reach and not have her tied up just felt like bad writing. I love the

Loved the Wesley character, so I was disappointed we didn't get much background story on why he was so loyal. Even the Russian brothers got a flashback, so I would've loved to have seen a flashback to when Wesley met Fisk. Roommates at Evil University, perhaps?

Honestly, it's kind of sad that the character I find myself quoting most often is Zoidberg.

It's a robot. With human hair. Creepy as hell. But then again I'm creeped out by mannequins.

I'm trying to get this guy I'm seeing to fall in love with me, just so I can be a dick and say "Shut up, baby, I know it!" when he professes his love for me.