
D'oh, I wasn't as consistent in my watching back then. I figured they probably did it already.

I try to justify the episode by thinking that Fry and Zapp were willing participants, and Kif just ended up running from everyone, so no actual rape occurred.

I thought the Goldbergs was pitch perfect tonight, just because it was so true to life. My mother laid on the guilt trips so thick it was comical. "Oh, I'll just eat this. No one else wants to." The only thing that struck me as false was Beverly apologizing. I'm sorry, but mothers never apologize. Please tell me

I would totally eat cookies with chocolate chips shaped like swirly poops. They could call them chocolate shit cookies.

She was named after a very minor Daredevil character. In the comics she was also a domestic abuse victim, but never had the finger blades or any powers whatsoever.

Looking through the Secret Warriors summary, I can't help but wonder if R.E.A.L. S.H.I.E.L.D. will end up being H.A.M.M.E.R., and Edward James Olmos will be the stand-in for Norman Osborn.

"Well, it's not quite a pop and it's not quite an eye… but man… *laughs* So to answer your question, I don't know."

The random "aiya" was really weird, as I've always thought of it as a Chinese expression (source: Jackie Chan Adventures). They could've gotten some mileage out of him having a different ethnicity each episode to make fun of how most Americans think Asian = Chinese.

"And this is for what you crackers did to Tribeca! And this is for the M&M'S store! And this is for non-ethnic mustaches! And— Uh, oh."

All this while he's using his cardboard laptop.

Thanks, I've been wondering for two days what the can was for!

His grandmother's birthday. Now someone explain the significance of the scene, because it was so random and I don't know why he wanted those crazy straws so badly.

With her? Over Jacqueline?!

Gary Gygax. :( I feel like George R.R. Martin would be a suitable replacement, though.

Well, damn, I think I've been quoting it incorrectly for years as "To the accusing parlor!" I always thought it sounded off, but for the life of me I can't remember which episode actually had "accusatorium."

He was listening to the Universe B commentary.

If I ever strike it rich, I'm buying a mansion with an Accusing Parlor.

I've never seen him before.

Dyslexia is a very real learning disorder that takes years of treatment to manage, so I was hugely disappointed that the writers were so callous in making light of such a serious disability, is what tumblr would say if the episode aired today.

It can be two things!