
I'm convinced he's doing it on purpose now, just to make sure people are paying attention. It's Kif with one 'f', damn it!

B is way too low for AoI I. As a huge fan of kaiju, murder mystery weekends, and environmentalism, it had all of the makings of a perfect episode for me. It also happens to be one of the most quotable episodes of the series. It's so hard to choose a favorite, but the one I get the most mileage out of:

Netflix already ordered two seasons before the first even aired.

Uggh, the Dutch. I've never formed an opinion about them.

I already used the Matrix.

The best part is that, unlike "adult" shows with supposedly deep mythologies, Alex actually seems to know where this is all going.

Toasted was the only way the crust tasted palatable to me. I would always quickly eat all of the edges first, so then I could savor the hard frosting and gooey middle. Surely in 2015 we have the technology to make an all-frosted Pop Tart.

Not only that, but his full name, Brandon Jones, is apparently the name of a gay porn star. I was surprised by how good his comic timing was, too.

Huh, I was just talking to my friends a few days ago about the existence of Asian Jews, and we couldn't come up with a single example of a famous one.

Last week had zero plane CGI, and we were treated to decent teleportation and force field effects. This week had a plane turning around.

It was nice to see Sif again, but the episode added nothing to her character. They could've gotten away with just Vin-Tak. Really happy to see Eddie McClintock (I miss Warehouse 13) and glad they didn't kill him off, but what the hell were they doing to his voice?

"Welcome to New York. I want to say, Brandon?"

Cooorrs. Did I say that right?

I fully intend on making it so.

I was hooked after the delightful weirdness of the very first episode. It's a series that really knows what it's doing from the start, and this latest episode just confirmed it further.

When I first saw Frampf, I thought to myself, "Wow, whoever this guy is, he's overdoing it. He reminds me of Martin Short's character on Arrested Development." And then I realized it was actually Martin Short.

Wow, just wow. I'm amazed by how much thought and care was put into the serialized elements of the show. There are "adult" genre shows that wish they had this kind of intricate plotting and foreshadowing. And yet even with a mythology-heavy episode they still managed to capture the humor and emotion that makes Gravity

Oh, wow, I hope they don't go with longer running times. Season 4 of Arrested Development showed what can happen when they're not forced to edit for time.

The bee thing is from 22 Short Films About Springfield.