
Yeah, TI is fine. I have e-mail notifications set up for PMs anyway.

Yeah, definitely interested. What time and how burnt? Although, if I'm the only Asian in a sea of white dudes it'll be high school all over again.

What kind of reference is that?

I'm beginning to think that Homer Simpson was not the brilliant tactician I thought he was.

I love it whenever we get unexpectedly evil Marge:

"Ah, I'm not gonna lie to you, Marge. *pause* So long."

Yup, I've been trying forever to get my brother to watch the show, but I think the recent Transformers and Ferris Bueller episodes have finally converted him. He watched last night's episode without my having to prod him, and loved it.

I'm not gonna lie, when they first announced the show my first thought was, "Oh, that guy from Friends is getting his own show?"
Speaking of which, other Adam's twitter feed is hilarious:

But imagine how amazing it would be if you taught it how to eat tofu!

I play the scene in my head whenever I meet a vegetarian.

One of my favorite jokes, and it sadly took me ages to get it.

I swear I just misread that as breaded children, which I guess is also pretty apt.

I actually think it'd be interesting to see an episode where Walter confronts Eddie about his appropriating "black" culture, only to realize that Eddie is being sincere in his love for hip-hop.

Hey, the bear was a different color! And they added a salad bar!

Fury gave Coulson the toolbox himself, so I doubt Mackingbird are working for him. My hope is that Mockingbird is reporting directly to The Avengers, and in the finale we'll see a certain bird pick up Fury's intel to help deal with Ultron.

I'm surprised the review didn't mention it, but Dr. List was Von Strucker's lackey from the Winter Soldier stinger:

Feige has said, "There are some contractual limitations about who can do what when it comes to Skrulls," so it sounds like Marvel can use them under certain circumstances. Using the Chitauri in Avengers was probably a way to avoid all those issues, so I don't see why they can't just have a secret Chitauri invasion.

I got a big laugh out of the "You always did like flowers" line. I can't wait for the inevitable Coulson quip, "You always were a thorn in our side."

Yup, it reeked of "shocking death" just for the sake of a shocking death. I am glad that they at least had the characters mourn him for an episode, but as Oliver said, it felt too little, too late in terms of giving him more characterization.

What boggles my mind is that Jim Steranko absolutely hated the first season of AoS, but said, "GOTHAM ranks as one of the season's best comicbook heroes-related shows!" I can understand not liking AoS, but praising Gotham? The only thing I can think of is that he likes it visually, because it definitely can't be