"Jervis Tetch? Eh, too obscure. Our audience wouldn't get it. Let's change it to Madh Adder."
"Jervis Tetch? Eh, too obscure. Our audience wouldn't get it. Let's change it to Madh Adder."
From the show that brought you Ivy Pepper and Joe "Radhud" Carr.
I feel like the half-assery of the model befits the Simpsons. But, yeah, I just found the Chicago entires and can conclude that they used their whole ass: http://imgur.com/a/ZeXYV
Pfft, Encyclopedia Brown for life. Gimme five bees a case, we used to say.
By the by, check your TI PMs. Brooklyn Simpsons Trivia is this week and I'm planning on going. Entry fee is on me, and this extends to any AV Clubbers in the NYC area (up to 6 on a team).
No deer for a month.
I would've been disappointed it wasn't MTV's Yo Momma Live.
Did Matt Groening do something to piss them off last week? It was weird that both the Futurama and The Simpsons reviews were delayed in the same week.
Ooh, this sounds fabulous. Myles McNutt does the best reviews.
There was quite a bit of good stuff in season 6, namely the musical, Dark Willow, and the surprisingly accurate depiction of depression. But there were also a lot of things that didn't work: Giles leaving for no raisin, the dismantling of Xander of Anya's relationship, and Spike in general.
Girl was ready to jump to her doom to save the world, she can't be all that bad.
That's the gist of it, yeah. I actually liked a lot of 6 and thought 7 showed some promise before it devolved into endless speechifying. But "The Gift" was just such a perfect conclusion to the series that I would've been perfectly content had the series ended there.
It's not the serialization that was bad; it's the fact that the writers had no idea where they were actually going with the story.
Buffy's finale had one of the most incredible moments of self-sacrifice ever: jumping into a portal to save the world from seasons 6 and 7. I have no idea what you're talking about.
"Take your best shot, little girl."
He reversed the parody! He Normal-Al'd us!
Do you suffer from long-term memory loss?
I was reading the review and I realized that I barely remember the actual plot of the episode. I think part of the problem is that they overused the Robot Mafia in the future. They would've been better as a one and done appearance.
You may have Thursday madness, but that's no excuse for Thursday rudeness! I recognize that the acts are pretty disparate, but C+!? Does that mean you won't give us your recipe for immortality?