
During high school graduation they gave out plaques for "Outstanding Achievement in ___ (Science, Math, etc.)" My friend and I somehow ended up with "Outstanding Four Year Academic Achievement," which I instantly knew was code for "You're not really super great at anything, but we didn't want you to feel left out."

Well, you haven't been near his arms.

Howard explained that Midnight Oil was developed to keep soldiers awake for extended periods of time. My understanding was that the US wasn't aware of the unintended side effects, so they stole it from Stark when he refused to hand it over, then they released it in Finnow to help the Russians fight the Germans.

New Model Straight Boys are such a strange phenomenon. They didn't exist at all in my high school when I was growing up, but by the time I went to college my straight male friends were always more touchy-feely with each other than I ever was. When I finally came out to them, one of them told me, "Our group has always

I think Adam Goldberg is the only young kid on ABC that acts like a real, young (nerdy) kid. The rest range from a tad too precocious (Blackish twins) to just plain insufferable (Manny).

Oh, god, in high school I was so far in the closet I found Narnia.

Wow, I had completely forgotten about those Ss (what's the plural for S, anyway?), but now I see what you're talking about and it brings back all of the memories. Three vertical lines, three vertical lines, connect. We used to try to design other letters in the same style.

Good episode, but it still feels like it's coasting a bit on nostalgia and the shared Asian experience. I really hope it breaks out of its sitcom trappings in the future.

You should be grateful your mom didn't subject you to those torture devices. The plastic tabs would always break off and you'd have to resort to safety scissors or good old-fashioned teeth to tear off the remaining plastic.

I kind of liked that Empire's cover had a Hawkeye butt shot. His pose looked like it was straight out of the Hawkeye Initiative.

"Leave the past where it belongs: the past."

Will's story about the high school dance sounds like a bad sitcom plot: Girl pretends to be engaged to avoid going to the prom with nerdy guy, then has no choice but to go through with a fake wedding to keep avoiding said guy. Hilarity and heartbreak ensue.

Seriously, this is better than DVD commentaries.

The gas thing is something I picked up from my dad. But Barry reminds me of my cousin, who's run out of gas multiple times despite his dad constantly telling him to fill up the tank.

I'm in the position where I was exposed to enough Tagalog when I was younger to understand most of it when it's spoken. However, my accent and pronunciation are so horribly bad that I'm too embarrassed to try speaking it.

Ever since the pilot I've been thinking that Eddie's delivery is only slightly less insufferable than Manny's.

This week's "As an Asian" topic: Talking about people behind their backs using your native language. White people, a warning: if there are Asians around you switching between English and their native language, there's a good chance they're making fun of you.

Hi-C Ecto-Coolers! The official drink of Slimer! This show speaks to my soul.