I'm curious, is this a line from the comics? If not, how the hell has it not been used before?
I'm curious, is this a line from the comics? If not, how the hell has it not been used before?
"Don't worry, I'll be back to save you when you least expect it. Or May sweeps, whichever comes first."
Use a pen, Ronnie.
Yup, Feige has said, "The idea of this film is to open up a whole new corner of the cinematic universe. We want to enter, through Strange, the world of parallel dimensions." The Astral Plane is a given, but crazy multiverse plots would be amazing.
Good for you, son. Giving up smoking is one of the hardest things you'll ever have to do. Have a dollar.
Idea: Sony uses Peter Parker for their own movies, but Marvel is allowed to introduce Miles Morales into the MCU during Doctor Strange, which is said to introduce the concept of a multiverse. A few years later they do a Spider-Verse adaptation featuring a team-up between Parker and Morales, featuring cameos from Tobey…
Other shows on UTBAHC, courtesy of Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/gra…
Great gag, especially the fake shows they came up with. It's up there with the Black and White Period Piece Old Lady Boring Movie Channel as one of my favorite channels.
Next week is episode 17, which is when Agents of SHIELD finally started to turn the corner, and by season 2 it had finally found its footing. I guess what I'm saying is all we need is for Bullock to be a secret traitor and kill off half the supporting characters.
He flipped the bird at the wrong person.
I really, really, hope he isn't Joker, because his acting was awful. The transition from crying to laughter was completely botched.
"Thank you for your help Gordon. Without you we wouldn't have gotten together and given birth to the future Robin." *wink*
Well, hot dog! We have a weiner! They are all, sadly, real.
Ooh, let's play a game. Which of the following isn't a real episode?
- "Hello, Mr. Thompson."
- "Maybe you all are homosexuals, too!"
- "Use a Pen, Sideshow Bob."
- The Bart The
- The entire score of the "H.M.S. Pinafore."
- Terror Lake
- Salutes
- Hannibal
- Crossing
- the
- Alps
So you're Ben Ball!
Especially Lisa! But especially Bart!
After an uninterrupted run of 4 annual Sideshow Bob episodes, this would end up being the last Sideshow Bob episode until season 12's "Day of the Jackanapes." Actually, scratch that, I'd prefer to remember this as the last Sideshow Bob episode, period.
I'll never get tired of Homer not knowing where his kids are and eating their dinners.
Oh, yeah! Shake it, madam. Capital knockers!