That's your solution to everything, to move to Bolivia. It's not gonna happen!
That's your solution to everything, to move to Bolivia. It's not gonna happen!
It's in the Marvel press release:….
Seen it? He reviewed it:…
You just blew my mind.
It's definitely the episode that finally nailed Hermes' character. The Jamaican and limbo stuff was fun, but the bureaucracy gave Hermes so much more to work with in the future.
And it's Phry, with a P-H.
Futurama is full of potentially dirty gay jokes.
I used it on one of my straight friends and I was shocked (and turned on) when he said "Ha, Futurama reference!" Unfortunately, he wasn't too keen on my suggestion that it'd be hilarious if we reenacted the whole scene. For some reason he wasn't surprised when I finally came out to him.
Let's just say the script moved him… TO A BIGGER HOUSE!
It was mentioned in the movie that Hydra's Russian branch was the one that found Winter Soldier. I think Leviathan was a completely separate entity in the comics, but they could easily just make it part of Hydra in the MCU.
Very well, you should feel full of… what's the opposite of shame? Pride? No, not that far from shame. You should feel full of less shame.
It says "living," so my first thought was Prince.
You tried your best, and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try.
I posted it upthread, but had some great speculation that Dr. Ivchenko will become Dr. Faustus:…
This went through my mind as well. I noticed that Dooley was always either sitting low on the couch or obscured behind the blinds, so Dottie never would have been able to get a clear shot on him.
There's been speculation that Ivchenko is based on Doctor Faustus, a Captain America villain:…
"How is this fuller than before?"
Oh. My. God. My Asian mom used to get perms when I was younger and I always used to wonder why. Now it all makes sense.
Excellent. Now, do we suspect there may be some kind of connection between Ronnie and Professor Stein?