GASP! You're history's greatest monster!
GASP! You're history's greatest monster!
It was meant as a trick question, since they met her in two different episodes.
Well, sure, if you're going to go with the actual correct definition of "met" then they didn't "meet" Reagan. But if you go by my incorrect definition of "showed up in the same place," then Reagan appeared during a Be Sharps performance.
Depending on your definition of "met," Reagan could be included as well.
As an offshoot of that, how many times have The Simpsons met First Ladies?
I'm hoping to go to NYC Simpsons Trivia next month, so I've been studying, heh. Which city are you going to? Do us AV Clubbers proud and let us know how it goes!
What is the second name of Rainier Wolfcastle's brautwurst?
Deadline said Avi and Matt Tolmach will be EPs going forward. They're the only ones who have said that, though.
Spider-Man is great, but the access to Spider-totems (*shudder*) is what's really exciting. Now they can introduce Julia Carpenter into the MCU and do what fans have been clamoring for: Force Works!
I think he misread the Deadline article. It's actually Avi and Matt Tolmach who'll be EPs moving forward. I haven't read anything about Webb still being involved.
Too late:ā¦
I thought trying to cure fear was an interesting twist, except the animated series did it already, and much better at that. TNAB actually went into why fear can be important. This was just an excuse for bad scarecrow CGI.
Fight or flight. And, as we all know, Batman can fly.
Same for me. The final season never clicked for me. Too many random filler episodes, and the arcs never really went anywhere. "Epilogue" always felt like the proper ending, and the final season was just them having fun.
As the episode was airing, I remember literally telling my brother, "I bet Darkseid comes out instead, because they already did Luthoriac last season." After the episode finished my brother told me I watch too many cartoons.
I'm not gonna lie, it would hurt more if they didn't get the reference.
According, to Celebuzz's Child Stars: Where Are They Now?, Clarissa's O'Neal has morphed into AV Club O'Neal:
Maxmordon's uncle: "Girls, Maxmordon, boys kiss girls."
Speaking of barely legal homos, where's idiotking? His quotes are getting cold and taken.
I have a few Simpsons-loving friends that I haven't come out to yet. It'll be a toss-up between "Didn't I seem a little "festive" to you? I prefer the company of men" and "I was so gay, but I couldn't tell anyone."