
I remember being the absolute shit whenever I walked into class with Pizza Lunchables.

I'm Pinoy and, yeah, too many stories about dealing with Asian stereotypes. I went shopping at a "regular" supermarket once and a middle-aged white woman approached me with a package of Chinese rice noodles and asked me if I knew how to cook them properly. I mean, yeah, of course I did, but she shouldn't have just

Oh, yeah, too much of his persona comes across as fake to me. It's gonna make it hard to root for show Eddie.

Oh, god, the bowing is pretty true to life. I just kind of wish the family wasn't Chinese, because if you're Asian in America, you're always automatically Chinese (hello, Randall Park).

The closed captioning still had "Golden Corral" instead of "Golden Saddle." I guess they had to change it at the last minute.

Did you read the whole Vulture piece, though? I, too, was shocked by how harsh he was at first, but by the end it sounded like he came to terms with how certain things had to be.

"Look at him, shaking away our profits like he's a pepper monster."

Actually, it's about ethics in children's animated movies.

Yeah, I really don't get how Oliver got eroticism from that scene. I thought it was heartbreaking that the brainwashing was so deep that she still handcuffs herself while she sleeps and can only eat half her bread.

One of the things that continues to impress me about the show is that death isn't taken as lightly as it is on other shows. We actually saw Dum Dum stop and mourn, whereas on AoS they'd probably just shrug it off (yes, I'm still bitter about Xena dying).

All of the proto-Black Widow stuff was genuinely creepy. I'm so glad Peggy didn't accept the offer of bread.

What do we have to do to get Neil Patrick Harris to reprise his Music Meister role in live action for this show? If this show can pull off a talking gorilla then certainly they could do a musical episode.

Would've been better with a wheel. You could've called it Spin the Choice.

Dude at the end is Fish's brother, and they're going to hug, aren't they?

Eh, he was temporarily separated from his DVDs, so he just assumed there was a part where Poochie was designed as the physical manifestation of hatred. No one ever said you actually have to watch a show in order to review it.

This episode was pretty much a direct response to alt.tv.simpsons, where "worst episode ever" was regularly being uttered since at least 1993. There was even a topic titled "Simpsons in decline?" that same year. With that context, the point of the episode is a little clearer: there is no point. They're going to keep

Simpsons Writers: Are we so out of touch? No, it's the viewers who are wrong.

You can be honest with us. You were at the pornography store. You were buying pornography.

Lisa needs braces!