
Having spent most of my adolescence in Catholic school (all boys high school, no less!), you have no idea.

Is it bad that I've actually spent time wondering if masturbating or having gay sex could also lead to death?

Zoidberg is fantastic in small doses, but I did find the episodes centering on him to be the weakest. This one is actually still really good because it features a lot of the other cast, but episodes like "That's Lobstertainment" or "A Taste of Freedom" focused way too much on him. He's just so pathetic sometimes that

Both pronunciations are too awkward and clunky. Henceforth, I will ass people questions.

The "ax" pronunciation was one of my favorite recurring gags, but they were so inconsistent with it. I seem to remember it popping up in at least one other episode, but I also remember wincing in disappointment whenever they pronounced it the incorrect correct way.

Don't forget that this is the show that has Ivy Pepper. That said, I think it's still Leslie, but "Lee" is her nickname.

I was hoping this was a revival of VH1's hilarious reality competition. It's not like James Gunn is busy with anything.

Does the awful animated series count?

Just checked Glenn Slater's Twitter, and he said Ricky Gervais would be unleashing his inner Freddie Mercury. So, yeah, I guess they were going for Bohemian Rhapsody.

I loved reading Encyclopedia Brown as a kid in the '90s and I don't remember ever seeing Bobbsey Twins books in the mystery section of the library.

The OST is up on iTunes, but it's far from complete. No reprises, and there are entire songs missing. However, just listening to the samples it sounds like a lot of the songs had extra verses that didn't make it to air. I've also read that Gareth had an entire song cut, so hopefully they'll do an actual complete OST

I got a strong Queen vibe from the flashback sequence.

I just realized that I never really got that line. Having looked it up, I wonder if they expected anyone to get it.

Lisa was absolutely adorable in this one:

Who knew Bart was a budding libertarian?

Excuse me, but "anathema" and "wrought"? Aren't these just buzzwords that dumb people use to sound important?" Not that I'm accusing you of anything like that. [pause] I'm banned, aren't I?

Apparently it's from Season 2's "Bart's Dog Gets an F," so it was pretty well established early on. They first introduced Hibbert just eight episodes earlier.

I'm younger than that and wasn't even born in the US and I still made the connection instantly. The Cosby Show was already in syndication in the early '90s, so I was caught up to the entire series early on. I always kind of loved that Homer and Heathcliff shared an affinity for sandwiches that were past their prime,

Worst Simpsons Quote Thread

What kind of Simpsons quote is that?