Skinner: The commentariat are overstimulated. Willie! Remove all the Simpsons quotes from Disqus.
Skinner: The commentariat are overstimulated. Willie! Remove all the Simpsons quotes from Disqus.
"Marge, it takes two to lie: one to lie and one to listen."
You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try.
Is his name Mother Shabubu now?
"Switzerland is small and neutral! We're more like Germany, ambitious and misunderstood!"
I was going to upvote you, but decided to remain neutral.
Hmm, I'll have to give the CC run a rewatch, since I mostly watched each of those episodes exactly once . I just remember the episode being way too on-the-nose and not being as deft in its satire as "A Head in the Polls."
It's a great song, but for my money Futurama has the best non-copyright-infringing birthday song from an animated series.
Great review as always. Your second paragraph in particular described everything wrong with "Decision 3012," so I'll be really interested in seeing what you have to say about that one.
I dunno, the Neutrals are definitely more quotable, but the Brain Balls are Brain Balls.
At least he was consistent this time, I guess. There was one review where he spelled it both ways. It reminds me of when I wrote high school essays: "I'll just put both spellings. That way I'll only look foolish 50% of the time instead of potentially 100%."
Please don't take this the wrong way, Zack, but please remember that it's Kif, with one F. Or is the extra F for "Fuck you commenters who keep telling me to spell Kif's name correctly"?
Bobby taking a women's self-defense class was quintessential KotH.
Nope. His son, Frank Grimes, Jr., showed up in an episode. I wish I was kidding.
Look up Pearl Witherington, who was a British SOE agent during WWII:…
L: Lisa Simpson
C definitely should've gone to Cookie, since she's one of only two recurring East Asian characters. Cletus is far from obscure, especially since his family has had an episode or two focused on them.
Well, he was Homer's Enemy, after all…
Veterinarian would've been a good one. I seem to remember he showed up in at least two episodes.
Yes, it's so difficult to remember the one episode Frank Grimes was in.