Was Lauren a regular during the original run? I seem to recall that she and Phil were only bumped up to true regulars during the CC era. And according to the Infosphere, she, Dave, and Phil did do commentaries during the CC era episodes.
Was Lauren a regular during the original run? I seem to recall that she and Phil were only bumped up to true regulars during the CC era. And according to the Infosphere, she, Dave, and Phil did do commentaries during the CC era episodes.
I always thought that was part of the joke, since the milk like came right after.
If you signed up using Facebook or Twitter, Disqus will automatically pull your profile picture from those. To change it, go to Account Settings->Avatar (http://disqus.com/account). Why would you want to change it though? Your moms are adorable!
My favorite part was Peggy actually mourning the death of Colleen. One of AoS's remaining problems is that death is still used primarily for shock value, and we're rarely shown how it affects the characters emotionally. One could argue that it's because they're battle-hardened, but it gets tiring to see characters…
I think I saw Jim Morita, too, but it flashed by so quickly that I can't be sure. Actually, was that a promo for the next episode, or for the season at large?
I'm so sad it was canceled. I never would have gotten tired of Craig Horner being tortured with magical pain-causing dildos.
It's Oliver Sava, so expect them at 4:30AM EST.
It looks like there at least three recurring female characters, at least one of whom I'm assuming/hoping will be a Hydra agent sent to keep tabs on Carter.
Holy Dutch angles, Batman! I thought it was a decent touch in the asylum, but it also brought to mind the old Batman series. At least that show knew it was campy, though.
It wasn't properly tagged as The Simpsons, but it's still up: http://www.avclub.com/tvclu…
The point of the opening wasn't to promote Kesha. It was just their take on the lip dub fad of the time. I didn't find it particularly funny, nor do I like Kesha, but I appreciated the effort that went into animating a "single take."
Well, damn, now I'm really curious what the original song was like and why they removed it. EW also alluded to it in their recap:
Ooh, a royal "we" already? Dan is already growing mad with power.
It took me way too long to figure out what "perfection" was supposed to rhyme with.
The joust scene was in so many of the commercials and had me rolling my eyes, but it was so much funnier with the context.
The show is going for fractured fairy tale, and musicals have a history of color-blind casting, so it wouldn't have been too surprising to see a non-white lead. In fact, the squire on the show is black (with white Jewish parents for some reason) and one of the female leads is actually Chinese/Indian/Jewish, not to…
"Oh, I'm sorry… we were talking about Tom?"
Oh, god, I loved The Tenth Kingdom, too. I guess I have a thing for schlocky fantasy miniseries. I remember the advertising being ridiculous, though. They would constantly show scenes from later episodes in the series, and one of them spoiled a big plot twist. "Mom?!"
Eh, it had Matt Lucas and John Rhys-Davies, plus Sean Maguire was suitably hot, so I was pleased.
The problem is that Frozen and Into the Woods have taught them that hiding songs works. They'll only advertise the songs if/when the music has caught on.