
I watched the making-of special on ABC's site, and already found a lot to love: landlocked pirates, monks who took a vow of singing, and Timothy Omundson in general. I'm sure the show will flop, but it looks like it'll be a fun ride. Hell, I loved Krod Mandoon, so the prospect of a musical Krod Mandoon is all the

I meant relative to the types of people they cast in the '90s, or the ones that Dreamworks still cast today (Rise of the Guardians and Turbo being the most glaring examples of celebrity stunt casting). Also, I completely forgot that Kelly Macdonald voiced Merida.

Big Hero 6 has no truly recognizable leads, and Frozen was mostly Broadway stars (and Maurice LaMarche, yay!). A few of Pixar's blatant cash grabs (Cars 2, Monsters U) have relied more on celebrity voice casting, but I'd argue that Brave and Up had non-recognizable leads.

The commercials for "Rise of the Guardians" in particular were horrible. If you don't have enough faith in the movie that you have to show Hugh Jackman show us how "hilarious" he is as the easter bunny, then the movie's going to end up bombing, which it did.

There are the Annie Awards, but they only have two categories for voice acting.

The devolution ray made no sense. Grodd was always portrayed as a kind of villain who thought that humans were below him. There's no way he would have given them the "gift" of being a superior species.

For a long time I've hoped for all co-ed teams so that everything would be fair for a change. I never realized that meant a season of boring or bickering dating couples. And to make things worse, it's not even all co-ed couples. Supposedly two of the teams are gay couples, one of them featuring a New Kid on the Block.

Remember that Amy and Maya were the only all-female team left. It's very telling that whenever there were very physical tasks, the co-ed teams usually had the guys do them. Had the final task in the penultimate leg not been so overwhelmingly physical (I mean, even Jim had trouble with it), Amy and Maya might not have

Last year's finale did away with the ongoing tradition of featuring an overly complicated puzzle requiring knowledge of every leg of the race. It wasn't the worst set of tasks ever (that distinction goes to the Chicago finale where one of the tasks was literally "eat a pizza"), but there didn't seem to be a way to

Honestly, I never got over Bethany's attitude in the Philippines. From holding her nose and laughing with Brooke to calling Philippine water gross and saying she wouldn't want to be in it, she was just lucky Brooke was there to make her look better in comparison. It's a metropolitan area in a third-world country, what

It's from one of the worst episodes ever, but I can't say or use the word "conquer" correctly anymore.

Zack is the greetest. There will be no Futurama review next week for no raisin.

Dunno where you are, but there are similar events held in Vancouver, Toronto, Hamilton (Ontario), Pittsburgh (doesn't look like they've had one there in a while, though) and Chicago.

My phone number is 1-600-DOCTORB.

Apologies, I get off on being withholding.

I'd definitely be up for it. I actually haven't seen these guys since high school, so I was planning on going unannounced to accuse them of racism when they say I look like their old Asian friend.

It's actually a $5 charge to enter solo, or $10 for a team of up to 6. The prize is a box of Peter Pan donuts.

How well do the Bumblebee Man jokes come across in Spanish-speaking countries?

I admit I love the crispness of cartoons in HD, but the bouncy charm of hand-drawn animation just can't be replicated.

Yeah, I pretty much agree. PatP has some great gags, but it's very difficult for me to divorce them from the god-awful premise. 9-12 in general are like that: a few funny jokes surrounded by awful characterizations and plots.