
Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!!!!

Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!!!!

First half =c-; Second Half = a+. Wonderfully written. Also: the downside of smart phones.
Great episode that started off a little more off than usual and then bam, what an ending! The Haddie-having-sex thing is explored in more detail. I thought they would give it at least another week before the parents found out,

Absolutely unbelievable!
This episode not only blew me out of the water in terms of story but it also had some of the best acting of the season! Not only did they have a great sub-story but they were also able to maintain the momentum of the other stories going on, Eli and Alicia, Eli and Natalie, Kalinda's story,

Lots of balls tossed into the air in preparation for next week's season finale.
Adam and Kristina come to grips with the fact that Haddie and Alex are having sex. Kristina comes around first, and admits to Haddie she lost her virginity when was fifteen. Meanwhile, Sarah is working feverishly on her play because

A really funny episode of United States of Tara, the final scene was just golden. United States of Tara has started a new routine since the season has started. Start the episode slow paced, consist the first 26 minutes of the episode with scenes of the family just hanging out, it's not until the final moments of

I find this show normally entertaining, except for this episode…
I've never commented on a review of this show before, for although I find it entertaining and somewhat compelling, it's never driven me to disagree with any review of any episodes until this awful episode.

heatwave hit Chicago
It is so true, when temperature goes up, temper goes up too and people tend to do a lot of crazy things. I like the story line — we get to see more of the authority of the superintendent. She is making the right moves to win the respect of her force and she is able to control Jason Clarke's

I Disagree I think This Season Finale was almost perfect
I have to discuss the ending first - I felt terrible when Nora lost the baby, but was glad Josh's "secret" was finally revealed to her. Later, he tells her the story of how he became a werewolf - while his friend was killed by a "wolf", he was only scratched -

The writers said that the final episodes of this season starting with this one are when things come to a boil after a whole season of simmering, you can really get that feel when you watch this episode.