
If they really wanted people to take note, they'd replace that sad old Queen with the female Changeling.

I remember when my gimmick came up. Good times. Savour this moment, hombre.

Respectfully disagree.

Yeah, the immunity is handy for negotiations, but it makes it a bitch to get lit. S'why I started using Ketracel White in the first place; it's practically the only thing powerful enough to knock a vorta on his ass.

God, this is embarrassing.

Art's weird man. I totally get where Weyoun's coming from, not getting it. I mean, that used to be ME.

Five! And I'd met two of the earlier ones. AND THEY WERE ALL EXACTLY LIKE THIS! i mean, why they would keep making this little weasel when- I just- I mean, it's not for me to question the wisdom of the gods or anything, but- RRGGGGH!

Seriously. Don't even get me- I just- That GUY!

Keevan. Man, I swear. That little shit. I… No, I'll save this story for later. Just that I went down for that little shit? Ugh. It's been years, and it still doesn't sit with me.

@Cookie_Monster:disqus  is the whole reason I went into gimmick comedy. If it wasn't for him, I'd be a surgeon.

You got that right, amigo. The whole genetic template is designed from the ground up to select for certain aptitudes, then the founders' specifically tailor each Vorta's education to accentuate these into specific skills. S'why the Weyouns are all wicked  smart and inquisitive, wheras I'm more just a good guy to chill

I escaped from the DS9 forums just to be here!

I escaped from the DS9 forums just to be here!

I'll tell you, one thing I really don't miss about working for the Dominion is the random inspections.

I'll tell you, one thing I really don't miss about working for the Dominion is the random inspections.

My dog!

My dog!

Hey, I'm in this one!

Hey, I'm in this one!

I'm having a real Beyond the Stars kinda moment right now.