
@donahue - maybe I missed the point, but wasn't Mookie smashing the window his way of diffusing the anger being directed at Sal? I think on some level it was kind of a defiant statement but I definitely got the impression he was looking to keep his friend/employer from getting his ass beaten down.

I like hot chicks. I mean, the fact that I'm married and they'd like likely press charges anyway means I can't touch them (or in most cases talk to them)… but I like them anyway.

Wow dude, way to tie personal movie about racism into a personal anecdote about racism. This piece is better than most of the AVClub stuff for it, and that is saying something.

@Bob Denby - ZMF is more cultured than you may think. Hard to believe, but apparently he has time to abosorb information through the holes in skull in between pwning bitches.

I'm a nerd and I'm ok with it. Man, it wouldn't be AVClub with two commenters randomly picking a fight with each other, would it?

SWEET. Question 4 was my question. As in, I submitted that question. And KS answered it. It was longer when I submitted it though. Whatever, it's still fucking cool.

Super. Now for the rest of the day I'll be trying to flush this image of Jim fucking the whore from Idiocracy.

DC used to be a staple on one the retarded (and now defunct) radio morning shows here in Sacramento, and maybe it was schtick but he was always a grade A asshole. I would always tune in when they had him on, as they would make a huge deal of it and plug it all day the day before - because his attitude was so bizzare.

I don't know how to respond to any of that. Sarcasm doesn't seem appropriate. My brain may be broken.

I think I feel differently now, here, with the light from the water playing off of your… seaweed.

@edked - Nothing as exciting as either of those, I'm just an aging metalhead. Sorry. Back when I was trying to be cool (let's be honest, there was a time when we all did) my time was spent with a bong under a black light and a Rage Against the Machine poster. There may have been white-boy dreadlocks involved. So yeah,

I'm chubbing a little at all the hipster hate here today. Every time I see one of those skinny fucks with the pointy-shaped sideburns wearing his little sister's pants… I really just want to grab him and shake until all the douchebaggery falls out. Maybe wipe my ass with his ironic t-shirt and smash all of his Death

Easy now, fuzzy little man-peach.

Nords - Creme eggs are the devil's work.

Reese's Pieces at the movies, Reese's Pieces slumber party.
We'll eat Reese's in the treehouse, we'll eat Reese's on safari.
Candy coated and you know it, peanut butter, it's no wonder
Reese's pieces got me wheezin', free me from the spell I'm under.
Reese's Pieces at the movies, Reese's Pieces slumber party.
We'll eat

The fist size strawberries are my favorite, they don't burn my tongue with the acid tartness of a regular sized strawberry. I guess they're the kind of berry a person who doesn't like berries should eat. Kind of bland, like a berry flavored melon.

I am sofa king we todd ed

I'm guessing you're a pot smoker, Elitist? Every time I smell a dead skunk, I think of that sweet, sweet ganj.

In my experience daily soap and water is more than sufficient to ensure an acceptable-smelling vaj. I mean, I don't have one of my own (I'm sure I'd be more popular if I did) but if you're washing your genitals and there is still a foul odor, wouldn't that be a sign of a more serious medical issue?

The Chang was my favorite part of teh internets. A little part of every snarky smartass in the AVC commenter community will be with you wherever you go, David. Deal with THAT!