
I was kind of hoping Erin would hook up with Michael. They did seem to have a little chemistry, didn't they? It would be like Michael hooking up with Ryan, except the sex would be slightly less creepy.

I enjoyed all of the TNG movies. Of course that might have something to do with the funny feelings Troi brought up (in my pants) during the late 80's with her form fitting top and perpetual cameltoe.

I feel the need to address Item 'e' - I use Linux on my personal machines, and it's understood that if you choose to use it then you give up your right to free chicken. If you get a commercial distro it's actually written in bold on the back of the packaging.

I wanted to name my 'Area Man' but those other assholes didn't get it.


Here we go, updated avatar, no finger. Except now I kind of look like a date rapist.

Number 1 - what the hell is wrong with my avatar? I always thought I was a handsome enough dude. And Ricin Beans, damn man that's a pretty hard slam. Sorry about the finger, it's the only pic I have of myself postage stamp size.

This may make me the cheapest asshole of all times, but I could stay at home and fuck. For free. If I'm spending good money to go to an amusement park, I'm going to enjoy the attractions they have provided for me.

Wasn't Cartman's dad actually his hermo mom?Then they ended the episode with a big 'fuck you,buddy' by leaving who his mom really was as the mystery and never revisit it?

@texas - Should you start verbally informing your appliances of your intentions, as in actually talking to them?

Mark me down for one more who doesn't like the Michael character. And that's ok, the show gives people like me plenty to love - watching him sabotage himself, get shot down by his bosses, get screwed by every half-assed romance he gets involved it. I love watching him fail because he deserves it, and when the tears

Claude, I think there is a cultural rift here. Odds are that at several points in your life there were people who tried to tried to convince you that your feelings were wrong and evil, and coming to terms with being different meant knowing for sure that you were, in fact, gay.

How much time does a bird spend in the air? If they spent a majority of the time hanging out close to the ground I could definitely see an evolutionary benefit to be genetically inclined to poop in water as opposed to leaving it around for predators to pick up on.

Way to sum up, Venkman. I am not one normally given to man-crushes, but something about that 'charming bastard' makes me believe he is sincere. Not about anything specific, just in general.

Silly Buns, you're a female? And you have OPINIONS? shocking!

For some reason I thought it was members of the My is Earl cast… but I've been sniffing this marker ALL FUCKING DAY.

Ninja - dear lord I hope that was directed at me. Chad Krueger with a cold is better than I ever aspired to. Then again, I think Chad Krueger is a talented singer, because apparently I'm an enormous tool. Our Kennel Club vids went up like 50 views overall though, a one day record - that and my attempted hijacking of

Mr Bain, I commend you for sort of plugging your band. These guys are BRUTAL, and you had to know you'd catch some shit. What part of the country do you play? My band plays Northern Cali and the bay area pretty regularly, and we're always looking to network and weasel our way into an opening spot or whatever.

Uh oh! There was a mix-up at the tampon/candy bar factory!

AncientChinee, tens of thousands of years of human evolution has led mankind to feel compelled to scream at people around them to believe exactly what they believe, lest they be subjected to violence and/or humiliation. It's the very reason we form nations, pass laws and have agriculture.