
Next Mr. Anselmo, Slayer is teh cheez. Sorry to say it, but Pantera is mana from heaven and the greatest metal band ever to have graced God's green Earth. You need to go back and listen to Far Beyond Driven. Good Friends and a Bottle of Pills has very little screaming at all. Planet Caravan has none, and has one of

Cybersybil - I love Dethklok to, um, deth… but I kind of feel like a sellout because of it. It's like if someone were to love Spinal Tap (which I don't) or Tenacious D (which I do) as much as they would a 'real' band.

Sweet, I may finally have something to replace The Dethalbum on my MP3 player. I've been listening to it so long I've actually figured out the words, and that saddens me.

That was fucked up.

Your pets will LLLOOOOK at B'owl!

Oh wait, I get it. That's the joke.

No dude, inscrutable is a word. Of course I don't think it means anything close to what AJR (and Tracy Jordan) think it means.


The thing about Legend is that taught us all to be good, for goodness sake. No?

Is a 'gaggle' the correct unit of measurement when it comes to cocks? I always thought cocks were measured in 'assloads'. A gaggle just sounds like way too many cocks to fit in Bill Maher's mouth, at least all at the same time.

Fun fact: If you put Matt Lillard in blackface he looks just like Samuel L Jackson.

I have to encourage you to never, ever watch that episode. I avoid it whenever it's replayed. Because feelings are for girls and homosexuals and every time you watch it you will become less of a man.

Fuck, I thought I was the only one that cried at that Futurama episode. I spent my whole childhood watching Disney characters bite the big one and not giving a shit, but when they did the montage of the dog getting old as it waited for Fry to return…

For those of you who are missing the point: The touching thing here isn't that a dog died, it's that Mr. Rourke lost something that apparently used to communicate with him telepathically while he was sleeping in closets.

The abstract crap on [AS] is fun to watch for no other reason than no matter what mental approach I take I cannot fucking begin to predict what will happen next. Then you start picking up on subtle threads and repeat jokes that could no way exist within this sea of intentional retardation… then BAM you're hooked. I

Avenged Sevenfold doing Paranoid ought to be good though.

Another NorCal guy? Dear Lord.

This new account picture thing is freaking me out. In my head there were far fewer females posting and people were far less attractive. Never has an internet comment board made me feel so bad about my own appearance. I feel a lot more comfortable conversing with 'Comic Book Guy'-like stereotypes.

I've never heard of this guy, I just wanted to see if my picture got uploaded.