
I was going to say a Suddenly Last Summer movie would be awesome, but apparently there already is one.

I feel like all the points about heavy-handedness in this review apply equally to the book. In fact the framing narrative in the novel is a thousand times more hackneyed than it sounds like this one is.

That's why he got that rib removed.

That's why he got that rib removed.

Am I the only one completely baffled by this whole article? I had to read it twice to make sure I hadn't just had a stroke.

Am I the only one completely baffled by this whole article? I had to read it twice to make sure I hadn't just had a stroke.

I went out with this Jewish girl last night, and she was ruder than a wolfcat!

I went out with this Jewish girl last night, and she was ruder than a wolfcat!

Ah jeez, now you just made me be the guy who points out you didn't use irony correctly.

Ah jeez, now you just made me be the guy who points out you didn't use irony correctly.