
Oh yeah, at least one Dothraki guy wasn't killed (Rakharo, I think) - the one who accompanied Dany to the House of the Undying in the season finale of season 2. But I don't think he's had even a single line since then.

That was so incredibly dumb. I have absolutely no idea why they killed that guy - that too, after torturing him by burying him in sand and letting scorpions crawl over him. What was the logic there? He'd already given them the information voluntarily, so what more were they trying to get out of him?

But even then, having her around would require the show to ignore Dorne's gender-blind primogeniture style of governance

The knife-wielding Sand Snake is Nymeria.

Arianne isn't about vengeance at all. She doesn't particularly care about Oberyn. She views his death as an opportunity for herself to grab some power through Myrcella. Arianne mainly cares about not losing her place as her father's heir - throughout AFFC, she thinks that Doran is planning to disinherit her and name

The slaver she bought … um, stole them from gave her a bad batch of Unsullied. Looks like he got the last laugh - or would have, if he wasn't a pile of smoking ashes.

He had just two weeks to go!

Though given that she now lives in the eternal greyness of the North, I'd completely forgotten that she's blonde. Everything looks colourless in the Wall / North scenes.

Poor Gendry … still rowing away, while calling out to the director "Can I land yet? Pretty please? I'm so tired - I've been rowing since season 3!"

The Dorne fight had no stakes - it was blatantly obvious that Jaime and Bronn weren't going to get anything worse than a scratch or two. The Meereen fight had some real stakes and suspense, and remained a cliffhanger.

It's not like Jaime was ever successfully going to go incognito anyway.

A detachable knife, which he would attach only during combat or when expecting combat would be ideal.

No character, you mean. All her Dothraki followers were killed in season 2. Her entire court is now composed of characters who joined her in season 3.

Apparently, the North knows only one kind of light: grey. Even R'hllor, despite being the Lord of Light, can't seem to change this.

Mace Tyrell was sent to Braavos simply as a way to get his out of the way, so that he can't interfere in the Loras's arrest and trial storyline.

He's very obviously dead. TV logic dictates it. Both he and Grey Worm fell down unconscious at the end of the fight, so one must live and the other die. Grey Worm still has a story left (his romance with Missandei), so he's got to survive. So it's goodbye, Ser Barristan.

No, that's really not Littlefinger's characterization in the books. I don't recall anyone saying any such thing about him in the books, and it doesn't mesh with what we've seen him doing either. In the books, Littlefinger is as much of a patient planner as Varys. He takes advantage of the situations, of course, such

Maybe not exactly a conspiracy, but other members of the Watch who also think that Jon favours Wildlings too much might pile on.

As Joan once told another of Don's secretaries, "Stop dressing like a little girl!"

Well, that was more 'bitchy' than 'empowered', but it doesn't matter, because of I love bitchy Peggy as well.