
It's the best, but that's because it's Jess being pushed into the lake. Can't ever get enough of that! The only thing that would make it better would be if Logan and Dean were getting pushed alongside him.

Parents' lives? Heck, they're still reenacting a battle that was fought there (or rather, not fought there) 240 years ago.

I don't find the idea of Rory having a crisis where she questions her ambitions and abilitiies and takes time off (temporarily!) from college to 'find herself' or whatever, to be too bad in theory. But the really convoluted way it happened on the show, and the extremes to which they took it was just ridiculous. So one

Why didn't Ellaria murder Jaime in the first place? Why bother killing Myrcella, a political nobody, when she could have killed the Kingslayer instead?

George dies tragically in the pilot, kicking off yet another hunt for an heir for the Crawleys. They manage to dig up an 17th cousin of Robert's and bring him and his mother to stay on the estate. The cousin is *gasp* American. Culture clashes ensue. Mary winds up falling for him (because Henry has either popped his

Barrow hasn't had a mutually reciprocated romance/attraction since the pilot. I wasn't exactly holding my breath hoping for him to be paired up.

George was born in 1921.

Rose's dad, and Robert's cousin-in-law.

What's wrong with costume fetishism? I fully admit that the costumes were about 70% of the reason I watched Downton Abbey (the locations were 25%; the plot, characters and writing together came in at 5%).

That was really adding insult to injury to Lavinia's death. The poor girl, who has done nothing wrong, sees her fiance making out with his ex-girlfriend, then she dies just hours later, and then her father dies too, leaving all their money to the unfaithful fiance. Ugh.

Michael Gregson sidles up as well, and mutters "Fake your own death if you can't think of any other way to get out of it."

IMO, season 2 was the worst - or at least seemed the worst, coming as it did after season 1 which was pretty good. The show never achieved the heights of season 1 again. And at no point in its run (including season 1) was it ever anything more than a frothy, silly soap. If you watch it with that in mind (with maybe a

It's not a contest. People can find both Daisy and Mary irritating, just for different reasons.

You know what surprised me the most in this episode? The fact that Bertie actually brought in some stranger (unknown to us that is - he's presumably some friend of Bertie's) to be his best man. I was fully expecting him to ask either Tom or Henry - "We're going to be brothers now!". After all Tom was best man to both

That's not Isis, that's the dog from the first season (Pharoah, I think).

Lady dog? Robert's new pet is a lady herself.

More likely that Tom and Speedy McBland run off together, leaving the Crawleys in the dust.

Well, the whole of Downton Abbey is like a fanfic, with ridiculously contrived and/or utterly implausible plots and Mary Sues galore. It's just a gorgeously produced fanfic with awesome costumes and castles.

But according to the Crawleys - and according to Fellowes as well - becoming a businesswoman and (the horror!) a spinster is not 'winning' for a woman. Becoming the wife of a man who has pots of money, a fancy castle and a title is what all women want, or should want. There is no possibility that a woman would

I don't give a damn about awards and I don't hate Downton Abbey at all. I've enjoyed watching it, and have even rewatched the earlier seasons. But that doesn't mean that I'm blind to its flaws or that I can't criticize a show for being so drearily predictable (is there any plot development this season that fans didn't