
Londo is a conservative old school Centauri nobleman. He believes in the glory of the republic. He views Centauri conquests through rose tinted glasses, a one sided way. When he fought in the wars, he was a pilot and did not see the nasty stuff happening one the ground. Where he saw his friend as a war hero, his

I really like Neroon and I think he makes some very good points about Delenn.  She is a leader of the religious caste that has absolute faith in 1000 year old prophecies. That faith has led her to mastermind the surrender of the Minbari in the Earth-Minbari war, to divert massive fleet building resources to a

This episode had some good elements, but the treacly speeches and Tom's ridiculous return made it hard to sit through. 
I still don't understand why the Espheni went through the trouble of conquering the planet with troops if they plan to kill all life by irradiating the planet. Could they not have done that from

This episode was terrible.  While I generally enjoyed Tom and Pope in the woods, the search party was the most awful storyline ever. They have no idea where Anne has gone, so they just stroll out and search on horseback in potentially hostile territory in broad daylight. They take kids (who can't really fight) with

I was hoping that Anne getting intercepted by skitters AND Evil Hal immediately after leaving Charleston was a dream sequence because it was so ridiculous. Aren't they supposed to have a defensive perimeter? One that Tom claimed that they expanded outward? How do Anne (carrying a baby) and Hal both get through without

It would not be that hard to do. Once you extract the DNA you need to digest it with a ligase enzyme. Then you can run it on an electrophoresis gel. It might be difficult to get these things post-apocalyple, but they are not that hard to make.

I am very surprised there is not more discussion of the merits of the inqusitor's accusations.
Delenn, in the eyes of the audience, is awesome.

"Confessions and Lamentations" (S2) was such an emotionally manipulative episode, but it gets me every time.