Baile Awful Cliath

As a 22 year old who just watched the original trilogy for the first time just last month and loved it, I completely agree.

Tower Records still exists here (Ireland)! We really are 20 years behind you guys.

Oh, fuck off

Shit joke, Phil

YES! in what world is Earl's album better than this? Jesus fucking Christ

Tetsuo & Youth or GTFO

:John Waters tweets Alec Baldwins address:

I always thought transsexuals were people who had sex-reassignment surgery?

Can't believe the hate this is getting, this was my favourite movie when I was 6 which means it did it's job well. Colours of the Wind is the best ever song in a Disney animated film and Tim Curry is the shit, you can all go fuck yourselves.

Oh no we have it, there's just different dynamics to it than racism in America. That's an explanation just in case you actually weren't being wilfully obtuse to score a point.

You're using the US version of "minority" here. Britain (especially in the 70's/80's and especially outside major cities) was ~90% white. You can't apply American racial politics to other countries. You also can't (or shouldn't) turn historic oppression of certain groups into a fucking contest.
Ta, xoxo.

I think the lack of bass makes AJFA better. It sounds cold and sterile, fitting with the albums themes and background of how it was made. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Loney Is The Word is the best Sabbath song of any era.
Fite me m8.

He obviously went to the Toby Maguire School of Acting.

Yes, as is his other name for them - Bullingdon Buskers

It's the woman's fault for not keeping her legs closed, obviously.

I hope you're not interpreting this as me sticking up for Mayweather, he is a fucking ghoul who should still be in prison. I'm just saying Pacquiao's stance/influence is detrimental to the health and happiness of millions of women (especially those living in abject poverty). He's as bad as Mayweather in my eyes.

Having a pro-life viewpoint is not a crime. Being a pro-life politician who wants to restrict women's access to contraception/abortion is…also not a crime, but it does make you a piece of shit of a person (imo).