doctor teeth

there is one in the works! would be nice if the av club would give some attention to things like this, but it's always more fun to snark. https://www.kickstarter.com…

instead of just getting all up in arms about this dumb ass cash in, maybe we should support the actual documentary about elisa lam being funded on kickstarter now, which seems to have an actual stake in telling her story https://www.kickstarter.com…

Mad props for the casual use of "embiggen" in a totally serious comment.

Well said

Corin' my Bud

What indicated that I wanted them to be perfect, incorruptible gods? I wanted no such thing, I just didn't want them to be bureaucrats. If you're going to dispel a mystery, you'd better replace it with something interesting or cool instead of something completely mundane.

Okay, you got me — they didn't literally spell out EVERYTHING. I can't tell you Jar Jar's blood type or Senator Palpatine's SAT scores. But the fact that you're forces to ask for such esoteric examples shows just how pointlessly detail-0riented the prequels were. "What forms do the Jedi have to fill out before they

Just Hilarious
Please, Nathan, do another year of these things. In a writer's-stricken world without 30 Rock, a nation turns its lonely eyes to you, my funny friend.

I've always wondered about that too. "I know! We'll make a kids movie and fill it with dirty jokes and adult situations! That way we'll appeal to the whole family!"

I've never seen THX, but danrimage, your comment about being "plunged straight into" the world without pause for exposition is part of what makes A New Hope great too. We get the courtesy of the opening crawl, but from there on out there's nothing that feels like clumsy exposition — we're simply launched into the

Hey, Blarry is right. Look, you're all pretentious and wrong at the same time.

Wait, if the only reason a girl is begging you stop stop having sex with her is that you're too big, then you're allowed to keep going?

This is totally fake, obviously.

This is Great
Jason, I must say that your sincerely self-effacing tone has led to one of the most thoughtful, least vitriolic threads I've ever seen on this site. It's nice to see that's possible.