
if you mean virgins that like Firefly, then yes, without a doubt.

I just watched this too (well, last week), and this analysis does a good job of summing up how I felt afterwards, which in my less-than-helpful description was just "ehhh, it was ok".  there were clearly some fun parts, but the movie couldn't bring it all together in a coherent way.  sure the source material doesn't

I just watched this too (well, last week), and this analysis does a good job of summing up how I felt afterwards, which in my less-than-helpful description was just "ehhh, it was ok".  there were clearly some fun parts, but the movie couldn't bring it all together in a coherent way.  sure the source material doesn't

Beta Dax
SurrO'briengate (I'm stretching now)

Beta Dax
SurrO'briengate (I'm stretching now)

Yeah, that's what I thought.  I don't remember and real 'arcs' for Morbo…

Yeah, that's what I thought.  I don't remember and real 'arcs' for Morbo…

Any body else really start to notice voice over actors like LaMarche after listening to the Futurama commentaries?  Because I sure did.  West and Dimagio talking about the process, and singing the praises of people like LaMarche (and Welker), really made me pay attention to the ubiquitous yet little-known actors

Any body else really start to notice voice over actors like LaMarche after listening to the Futurama commentaries?  Because I sure did.  West and Dimagio talking about the process, and singing the praises of people like LaMarche (and Welker), really made me pay attention to the ubiquitous yet little-known actors

it's true that the best DS9 scripts were fully their own, making the best use what that show had to offer, and would not have worked for TNG.  but there are a few in season 1 or 2 of DS9 that may not of been their best, but would have been good on TNG, especially if it meant never having to have seen 'Sub Rosa'.

this could certainly be the case, more individual friendships and less of a group dynamic. Sirtis did say that it was rare for all the principles to get along as well as they did, and that usually casts have a few individuals who are friends, and the rest would be working relationships.

Please forgive a post that has nothing to do with these episodes (and also some mild SPOILERS: if you didn't know Worf ends up on DS9), but I'd thought I'd pass along some info that was new to me (but probably not everyone).

since when has Ender's Game become ya?

the only tattoo i've been close to wanting was a line from Clarke's version of 2001: "My God, It's full of stars", possibly with the adition of a depiction of a galaxy above or below the quote.

so… they aren't teenagers or mutants, and since they are aliens they aren't technically turtles.  and they can't know ninjutsu, being from another planet.  man, can't wait for

Come on Hollywood, do you have no original ideas anymore? The girl in that picture doesn't even look like Sally Struthers.

agreed, the soundtrack is great.  i thought it was a little on-the-nose at first while watching it, but embraced it by the end.

watched 'the inbetweeners movie', it was pretty decent.  clunge for all! (except for most of the characters in the movie, of course).

most recent example: Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

i really liked the galifianakis/ferrell into, zach getting his own name wrong made me laugh, which is more than i can say for billy crystal.