
missed one, but i'm not complaining
i saw the "Ensign Ro" episode today and it very much fits in with this article. it's the original "maybe the terrorists are actually freedom fighters" where we learn about the plight of the bjorans. a theme carried through the rest of TNG, all of DS9 and was the back story for

"that's the smell of new comic books"
i liked how sheldon acknowledged being inside his head can be hell at times. having to keep up all those social contracts must get tiring.

peter "singing" the rockford files theme was great, i get that song stuck in my head like that all the time… na na nana

the thing you communicate to women when you wear axe anything is "i'm stupid enough to believe the worst commercials in history"

tolerable by comparison
i am able to ignore that this commercial simply due to the fact that it isn't one of those idiotic ax hair products commercials. this one almost seems classy compared to making a pig run through a mall to find a guy with greasy hair (even remembering that asinine premise boils the blood).

how to lose a girlfriend: appear geekier than the biggest geeks on tv
somehow immediately knowing that the ds9/TOS crossover is titled "trials and tribble-ations" did not impress her.

Top Geek
anyone like me geeky enough to read The Eugenics Wars books by Greg Cox? Some may dismiss this sort of thing as glorified fan fic, but I enjoy how he interweaves almost every time travel plot point into a plausible back story.