
Clare is essentially the Beta model. It's interesting that Victor's revival technique still hasn't improved the body temperature give away. Well, hands in any case…one gets the impression that certain parts of Lily's anatomy clock in closer to 98.6 degrees.

There totally needs to a deleted scene in Season 2 DVDs of Vanessa going completely off script and threatening Ethan with a bath or a flea dip if he doesn't do as he's told!

I don't so much dislike Dorian as find him somewhat tiresome. He's even more peripheral to the story than ever. It's like a contractually obligated story check-in: "Meanwhile, Dorian continues to FABulously flout Victorian mores and social strictures." Also, water continues to be wet. Also also, Dorian hates all

I would have taken that scene a lot more seriously if a big bowl of pudding sitting on a table with a ridiculously long table cloth had been involved.

These guys could get schooled by the Reno 911 cast.

Keep in mind CGI, if the interview doesn't go well…

You'd think, wouldn't you? But it appears that the White Walker Deniers could prove reluctant to open the gate when the Lord Commander shows up with his 5000 new besties.

Agreed, Rheon has created a great hiss-worthy villain. My pet theory is Roose knows Ramsey can't control himself and will approve his commando mission hoping he won't survive it. I was originally banking on him allowing Ramsey to lead the Bolton forces "from the front" , or Sansa pulling the same head game she almost

It was a touching and serious gesture, Dany relieving Tyrion of his wine glass saying essentially, I need you reasonably sober if you're going to advise me. She set a standard for behavior among her council members (after re-banishing Jorah when she might have forgiven him), she took Tyrion's execution off the table

Definite Granny Weatherwax vibe. Had she stuck around for a couple of episodes they would have needed to add a Nanny Ogg inspired character to provide a little comic relief and a different type of homespun widsom.

Kudos to the writers and cast for making the mundane moments of this episode work so well. Unless you're watching something like Upstairs, Downstairs or Downton Abbey it's easy to forget that people make a big house like Sir Malcomb's function. Ethan and Sembene bonding over workaday tasks like doing dishes and

As soon as Victor asked Vanessa to accompany him "somewhere" my girlfriend and I both said, essentailly: "I need you to take my reanimated corpse of a girlfriend underwear shopping at Victoria's Secret" — and we were not far off! Between Victor being completely overwhelmed by shopping for the fairer sex and Vanessa

I'm going to assume, just laying on the slab until the right thunderstorm blows through King's Landing…

Can't give you the full 10 points for that one with an appropriately edited Magutu .gif

I"m pretty sure "Through the Peephole" will be the title of Baelish's memoirs when they finally get published.

This old thing? It followed me home from the sewers of Paris and I just put it over the mantel get it out from under foot, why do you ask? What? Perish the thought, my good man, I have NO IDEA where a single one of those skulls came from. They're probably fake, or from some random, drunken Irishman…

Yeah, now that LaToya mentions it, Anne would be much better served trying to be Salem's answer to the ginger-haired ass kickers on Game of Thrones, not Salem's version of Zoey Deschanel. She's not like that all the time, but her "internal monologue" with Brown Jenkins does seem uncharacteristically twee for a show

I'll argue that it makes some sense in that in the books the Boltons have a marriage claim on Winterfell via Fake Arya. Given that no-one had seen Real Arya since Ned's execution several years prior, short of Jon Snow or still-hidden Sansa showing up to expose her false identity it would be a tough charade to debunk.

I agree with Myles—I'm not feeling like Littlefinger's plan is coherant at this point. Does he appear to be tap dancing to anyone else? Not tap dancing as in being nimble and a master manipulator, but as in 'the situations are starting to get away from him' and momentum in any direction is better than falling through

OK, first up: Alfie Allen. Reek looks like hell! Allen looks like he's going full Christian Bale and shedding pounds to show what a a physical and emotional wreck Reek is. That's some serious Method right there and my hat is off to any actor who has the discipline to do it. Am I being a typical Throne fans and reading