
Alien Resurrection will always be the movie where Ron Perlman played proto-Jayne from Firefly. Atleast, it always felt that way to me.

"Leave a light on, Thomas."
I really enjoyed "The Prophecy" and Christopher Walken is fantastic in it… but it's the scenes between Elias Koteas and Viggo Mortensen's portrayal of Lucifer that really stick with me.

The principal in American Dad
Principal Lewis (is it really former?) is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters on American Dad. Forcing someone to clean your house at gunpoint is just kind of awesome.

As far as Zach Snyder films go
I did enjoy "Legend of the Guardians" more than I thought I would.

What the fuck is a german muffin.

Another suggestion
Alex Winter's "Idiot Box".

I really want to like The Walking Dead but it is so dour that it puts me in a grey mood for the rest of the night after watching an episode. I suppose it's a little harder making a jovial zombie apocaylpse tv series, though.

I concur about Cowboy Bebop having a pretty good ending. I also, have a soft spot for Read or Die OVA.

Dark Phoenix Saga
I remember reading the tpb of Chris Claremont/John Byrne's X-Men: Dark Phoenix Saga and falling in love with it. Now, when I think back to it, the first thing that pops in my mind is Disco Dazzler.

Completely weaksauce compared to most of these but…
My boyfriend at the time and I headed to Eden Prairie, MN to visit the mall used in Kevin Smith's Mallrats. Sadly no sign of "Fashionably Male" or "Gerbils, Gerbils, Gerbils".