Adam B.

@avclub-2bf7bb353a1107a5d5c41d1ff4c624cb:disqus , I recently re-watched it with my daughters, and it's still close to that pantheon. The second time around, you can pay more attention to Sandra's game; Fairplay's a hoot; and Savage remains a repository of Dad Strength.

@avclub-858b67085072a6f2403cf500871f4068:disqus , but Sandra knew strategy, and knew it well.  I also wonder if there are different jury expectations for male finalists in terms of challenge success compared to women, that for a man proving one's worthiness of necessity requires some challenge wins.

Both.  It's an extra level of strategery which the game doesn't need.

That, and his inability to swim.

It's a very good episode, but I'll take the Colby Donaldson/'survivor" one, or the one with the Judy Doll.

The Hub still airs reruns, intermittently.

As long as Fox doesn't give a fuck when it ain't his turn to give a fuck.

Yes, she wins the Andrea Zuckerman Award for that movie.  33 when it filmed. But what's really amazing is that she's acting in a totally different movie, a much darker and realistic one. No one told her to treat it like a silly teen musical.

I'm sure I could find a way to put ricin in a Stevia packet.

Yes, but Lorne should be inviting Bill Clinton every year until he finally says yes. That's a show I'd like to see.

This was from the show's 25th Anniversary celebration, in primetime.

Things I still want to know:

People interested in the guests.

@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus , can you explain Exidor to me, then?  Because as a 8-9 year old kid, I just did not get it.

And Ami Cusack.  It's a fun season which turns on a dime in a remarkable single episode.

That would be Immunity Beast and Strategic Idiot Terry Dietz.  Just needed to throw one challenge (or share it) to make his HII useful; instead, he won five straight.

You mean, like Gary "Hawkins"?  Jimmy Johnson was never "Johnson," FWIW.

Christy, from Amazon
Danni Boatwright
Darrah the Mortician…

How did Culpepper already earn the Last Name Moniker before a single challenge?

And SWIM, Gervase.