Good concept, but which episode?
Good concept, but which episode?
"I enjoy having breakfast in bed. I like waking up to the smell of bacon—sue me—and since I don''t have a butler, I have to do it myself. So most nights before I go to bed I will lay six strips of bacon out on my George Foreman Grill. Then I go to sleep. When I wake up, I plug in the grill. I go back to sleep again.…
And referring to his adopted mother as "ma'am."
Would you like to know more? Read Chris Jones' article for ESQUIRE on the man who placed the perfect bid on the final Showcase Showdown:…
I've done the in-person auditions (after the online test) a few times in the past 15 years, but being a white male is a more difficult demographic for the show.
Well, he's here to make friends.
Including Heisenberg. How could he let such a shitty product leave under his name?
Help me out here: given that the dance video Colbert showed instead pretty clearly took weeks of effort, if Daft Punk was actually going to appear on the show when was Colbert going to show that video?
And then magically put that video together in a day? Come on.
Last time the show covered Cincinnati, you still had the Ocho.
Not bringing back Rex Ryan is a pretty slapdick decision, but I can understand why most franchises would not be interested in this level of public scrutiny.
Shelby Foote has wondered whether recent tensions mean we should be saying "The Civil Wars are" instead of "The Civil Wars is".
There was always going to be someone as Head of the Others; they just didn't realize that Emerson was going to be good enough to manage the job.
Caruso's tuchis literally has one vertical line, so, yes, his ass crack's a one-liner.
Thank you, Senator Davis, for your remarks.
Quick correction: Jimmy Smits didn't appear on NYPD Blue until the second season; that was David Caruso's ass.
@RTOlson:disqus Finally, television for lawyers!
Springsteen, then Beatty.
Related, kinda-sorta: all the real-life people who found themselves placed into Scooby-Doo cartoons even after they died — Abbott and Costello, Mama Cass, the Three Stooges, Laurel and Hardy …
Drew Barrymore refused to sing; she's the only actor whose singing is dubbed by someone else.