Adam B.

Not that this show is The Wire in terms of realism, but that's not exactly how you become a judge. Meh.

As far as Worst Prominent Players, Rupert has finished 8th, 4th, and 6th, and never has been a serious threat to win.

Kinda, but once you're twelve hours into an immunity challenge, it's hard to attribute things to rational argument. Basically, Tom told Ian he'd respect his "integrity" again if he'd drop out of the challenge; Ian's flaw was letting slip that he had considered offing Tom at F4 before he won immunity.

One question which a friend asked me earlier today: has there ever been a male contestant on Survivor who seemed to have comparable issues in terms of not being able to deal with the psychic costs of eliminating allies?  Who else has become this tormented over betrayals?

@JudgeReinhold:disqus , I think we already had a tribe with Boston Rob, Russell, Parvati, and Sandra, and it was plenty good.

@avclub-a5fdfa672284da6bf4f4326e2b3698bd:disqus , but that's also because it was unanimous. A 5-3 final vote win nets the winner six points; a 4-3-1 only three. Would two points per Final Tribal vote work better?

At what point do we assume that sequestration has kicked in and he should no longer be tweeting?

I wanted to root for Cochran, and didn't think Malcolm could pull it off so quickly after the first go-round.

Oh, god, no: RealityBlurred has Colton instead of Rob C.

Splitsider had a good list a few years ago, including the Python writers room and:

Remarkable fact: Cochran is only the second player in Survivor history to both win unanimous jury vote *and* have zero votes cast against during Tribals.

Palau is a rare season insofar as its first half and second half are both compelling, and for different reasons. Also has one of my 2-3 favorite Final Immunity challenges.

"Majesty" is a good word.  Final Immunity should somehow be larger than everything which preceded it.

But it wasn't that much of an endurance challenge, compared to something like the staircase/puzzle challenge late in Redemption Island.

Was anyone else disappointed that Final Immunity wasn't some straight-up endurance/exhaustion/balance thing?

I don't have many thoughts on changing the structure of the game; to me, the effort has to be on casting.  Would love to see an all-Armed Forces/First Responders season, or an all-female season; and in terms of returning survivors, the previously-discussed Tribe Crazy vs Tribe Connivers and the Never Made It To A Jury

@avclub-a9f5102dde8ca6e2ef0b18e777e918ed:disqus , if you don't make it to the finals, then almost by definition your gameplay wasn't as good as the person who did — and that holds true both for each's own season as well as All Stars I, in which both Robs competed.

@avclub-4e5512c7375097bd9de6b2997a5a8176:disqus , two reasons.

I recently rewatched all of Amazon; the question is whether you evaluate it as a strategic advancement over what preceded it, versus comparing it to what followed.  It's leaps ahead of Pagonging, but Pearl Islands was at least as much fun for a variety of reasons (including a more satisfying victor), and B-Rob's game

First of all, yay me.