Adam B.

If it's from campaign funds, that's a real problem — there's no way to justify this as a campaign expense.

Will, Kalinda, and the people who filled in the fraudulent ballots, and the people who carried them into the polling place, and anyone else who has access to that surveillance video.

As someone who actually practices election law, including emergency proceedings in election court … I could fight a lot of the details here, but the prospect of Florrick Agos & Associates renders everything else moot.  Here's to the brave new future.

Or Primary Colors.

Best show in the entire tri-state area!

I'm a Guatemala booster.  It does carry forward two previous players, and there's a lot of fun — Gary Hogeboom's attempts at anonymity, Freakin' Judd, amateur strategist Rafe, and a truly deserving winner.  IIRC, post-merge is much more fun than pre-.

How do we rank Johnny Fairplay's (and Burton's) failure to convince one woman that she was in their final three and had a shot at final two?

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus , I believe the line is "I do yoga."  That's what puts the rafts up there with Tom and Ian on the buoys for greatest final immunity challenge.

Pearl Islands has one of my favorite final immunity challenges, plus the giddiness of the last turnabout in the game.

@avclub-b438234660b05ac0fa7c13ec58bec06b:disqus , I want to double down on that.  Australia's TCs were rarely about gameplay; it's really odd to watch.

@avclub-a9f5102dde8ca6e2ef0b18e777e918ed:disqus , I just finished a rewatch of Amazon with my daughters, and it doesn't hold up as much as I had thought.  As fun as Rob C was as a narrator and game-player, what Mariano did in All-Stars was on a whole other level.  Too much Butch and Matthew, FWIW.

Best thing about The Rock is that it lets the Ed Harris character be three-dimensional.

As Ebert said, “No good movie is too long and no bad movie is short enough.”

Anyone want to take odds on Dwayne Johnson some day receiving a Best Supporting Actor nomination?

A tremendously underrated and underseen movie. Nic Cage, hell even Jim Carrey has some nice moments in it.

"How do you fuck THAT up?"  Kills me every time

It's a brilliant performance: Hurt's character knows his limitations, has no idea he's crossing lines with the re-take of his reaction shot, and just wants to please his dad.  He's not nearly as evil as Albert Brooks' character imagines him to be.

Palau is a favorite for drama, but FvV I has to be in your rotation.

See you there, hoss, though to be honest: I didn't come here to make friends.

The season was ruined by two things: Skupin's injury, which utterly changed the dynamics heading into the merge, and the dumbest tiebreaker rule in Survivor history, the "who had more previous votes?" question such that Kimmi's big mouth decided the course of the season, and the only post-merge drama was removing