Adam B.

I always thought the words were:

I'd actually put Lost's season 3 finale on top of The Constant, but they're both pretty damn high up there.


He's the white Bagger Vance to Foxx's co-lead.

Caldwell B. Cladwell! He made flushing mean flush at the bank!

And the first season of Project Greenlight.  BALIS!

@JudgeReinhold:disqus , I am not Cochran.

He's been the most revealing narrator on the Favorites side. Plus, the two HIIs.

What if we need another hero?

Flagged because, yes, that's offensive, and merely acknowledging the offense doesn't make it less so.

The only person who'd worry about our feelings is someone who was HERE TO MAKE FRIENDS, and if that's the case, you can't win.  Unless you're Tina.


@avclub-bf685d0c6e419fab93fb447f71610d36:disqus Also, THE ARTIST won best picture and a few awards.

Letterman, Conan.  Remember: a year into Leno's first stint, after having already bypassed Letterman once, NBC bigwigs were justthisclose to tossing him aside for Letterman before Dave's NBC contract expired. See http://www.nytimes.com/1994…

"Done deal"?  Remember the last TWO times NBC tried to replace Leno with the funnier guy in the 12:30a slot?  Fallon will be watching his back for the rest of his life, even if starts hosting at 11:30p.

I'm Philadelphia born and raised, but I have an aunt and uncle there. They've invited me to stay with them.

Brian Williams is the Ultimate Evil?

Leno leaves, takes over the CBS slot upon Jay's retirement (or gets syndicated/Fox), beats Fallon and Kimmel in the ratings.

Until Leno invited him onto his 10pm show.   Big mistake. Leno asked Kimmel about the biggest prank he ever pulled off: