Adam B.

Also, Kelly's Kids, a failed backdoor pilot from the Brady Bunch which involved a white couple adopting (based on the pressure from the white kid) a racially mixed trio of scrappy youngsters.

One I'd add: the Ochocinco Gets Arrested, Fired episode of HBO's HARD KNOCKS. Just riveting inside-the-NFL drama.

One I'd add: the Ochocinco Gets Arrested, Fired episode of HBO's HARD KNOCKS. Just riveting inside-the-NFL drama.

The obit here doesn't do full justice to his war service. He's a goddamn hero. Via the NYT:

The obit here doesn't do full justice to his war service. He's a goddamn hero. Via the NYT:

It has problems — too many jokes about fat people (male and female), too many guys pursuing women who work for them.  But it still works.

It has problems — too many jokes about fat people (male and female), too many guys pursuing women who work for them.  But it still works.

Much like with SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, I try not to get angry at LOVE ACTUALLY for how many wretched ripoffs it inspired.

Much like with SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, I try not to get angry at LOVE ACTUALLY for how many wretched ripoffs it inspired.

Oh, Lawrence was much less self-destructive and damaged in SLP than Hathaway in RGM. Hathaway's role was tougher.

Oh, Lawrence was much less self-destructive and damaged in SLP than Hathaway in RGM. Hathaway's role was tougher.

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus , in addition to BLOW OUT and PRIMARY COLORS, go watch FACE/OFF again.  Playing Cage-playing-Travolta was not exactly easy.

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus , in addition to BLOW OUT and PRIMARY COLORS, go watch FACE/OFF again.  Playing Cage-playing-Travolta was not exactly easy.

They were just too damn old to be playing struggling twentysomethings; they should have cast the Timberlakes and Micheles of the world.  Also, all the "don't sell out" stuff is so dated.

They were just too damn old to be playing struggling twentysomethings; they should have cast the Timberlakes and Micheles of the world.  Also, all the "don't sell out" stuff is so dated.

Still cannot believe Geoffrey Rush didn't get this part, which so calls for his scene-chewery.

Still cannot believe Geoffrey Rush didn't get this part, which so calls for his scene-chewery.

She already earned it for RACHEL GETTING MARRIED. This is the confirmation.

She already earned it for RACHEL GETTING MARRIED. This is the confirmation.