Adam B.

Here's what I've always wondered: why is it that whenever something is set backstage, we see showgirls, Lincoln, and a llama? Why that trinity?  When did it start? How many times has it happened?

Here's what I've always wondered: why is it that whenever something is set backstage, we see showgirls, Lincoln, and a llama? Why that trinity?  When did it start? How many times has it happened?

If only he brought back the $100,000 Jackpot Wad.

If only he brought back the $100,000 Jackpot Wad.

I do wonder whether being Jewish helped me appreciate the Bar Mitzvah Boy more, from the first moment Bayer pointed at the speech like she was using a yad to read from the Torah.

I do wonder whether being Jewish helped me appreciate the Bar Mitzvah Boy more, from the first moment Bayer pointed at the speech like she was using a yad to read from the Torah.

Had Mel Brooks only given us Sheriff Bart's entrance into Rock Ridge, dayenu.

Had Mel Brooks only given us Sheriff Bart's entrance into Rock Ridge, dayenu.

Mongo only pawn in game of life.

Mongo only pawn in game of life.

Agreed with @avclub-2bf7bb353a1107a5d5c41d1ff4c624cb:disqus . No one liked Keith; Colby's not taking him to F2 was an epic blunder.

Agreed with @avclub-2bf7bb353a1107a5d5c41d1ff4c624cb:disqus . No one liked Keith; Colby's not taking him to F2 was an epic blunder.

Redemption Island battles (and plot) took up the time that otherwise went to Reward.  We love love love the "chop the coconuts"/pecking order stuff, and there are few more fun Survivor episodes than the Pearl Islands one when Fairplay and Burton went off for F5 reward, leaving Sandra/Lill/Darrah behind.

Redemption Island battles (and plot) took up the time that otherwise went to Reward.  We love love love the "chop the coconuts"/pecking order stuff, and there are few more fun Survivor episodes than the Pearl Islands one when Fairplay and Burton went off for F5 reward, leaving Sandra/Lill/Darrah behind.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus , I don't hold that against Hatch because his jury was the one which first established the metrics by which Survivor would be won — that game play, rather than affability or survival skills or challenge dominance, counted most.  And no one has really been able to argue otherwise to a jury.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus , I don't hold that against Hatch because his jury was the one which first established the metrics by which Survivor would be won — that game play, rather than affability or survival skills or challenge dominance, counted most.  And no one has really been able to argue otherwise to a jury.

You win for playing the game the best, not playing the game the most — did't Russell and Parvati teach you anything?

You win for playing the game the best, not playing the game the most — did't Russell and Parvati teach you anything?

They can bring back the whole thing where they paint themselves before final immunity, and the parade of the fallen.

They can bring back the whole thing where they paint themselves before final immunity, and the parade of the fallen.