Adam B.

Except for Down and Out in Beverly Hills, or Bubbles on The Wire.

Except for Down and Out in Beverly Hills, or Bubbles on The Wire.

Dan Aykroyd and Donna Dixon

Dan Aykroyd and Donna Dixon

It was a deposition; he'd still have to answer it.

It was a deposition; he'd still have to answer it.

Well, this way you've built more of a factual record for both sides to use on appeal. It was kind of a sideshow, but not ridiculously so.

Well, this way you've built more of a factual record for both sides to use on appeal. It was kind of a sideshow, but not ridiculously so.

Not odd; everyone shuffles around.  Josh Charles barely touched the episode, and we had a long run of episodes earlier this year without Zack and Grace.

Not odd; everyone shuffles around.  Josh Charles barely touched the episode, and we had a long run of episodes earlier this year without Zack and Grace.

Man on the Moon was smart enough to find a cinematic language that matched the weirdness of its subject.

Man on the Moon was smart enough to find a cinematic language that matched the weirdness of its subject.

It's a conversation you have with the client before you get back to court, and there's a point at which L/G would have been justified in withdrawing from the case given their inability to defend the client's interests.

It's a conversation you have with the client before you get back to court, and there's a point at which L/G would have been justified in withdrawing from the case given their inability to defend the client's interests.

The lawyer in me would note that there already are two solid test cases for DOMA which have already been ruled upon by US Courts of Appeals (Gill & Windsor, with Golinski not far away), so Breslow's complaint that we'd be stuck with DOMA for a decade is patently bullshit. (It's just that the others aren't his cases.)

The lawyer in me would note that there already are two solid test cases for DOMA which have already been ruled upon by US Courts of Appeals (Gill & Windsor, with Golinski not far away), so Breslow's complaint that we'd be stuck with DOMA for a decade is patently bullshit. (It's just that the others aren't his cases.)

At this point, even more.

At this point, even more.

His "fucking cocaine" lament at the end of the movie is just devastating. It's a man who could've continued with a normal life, but the lure of politics led him to a place where all his past sins could be unearthed to humiliate him.

His "fucking cocaine" lament at the end of the movie is just devastating. It's a man who could've continued with a normal life, but the lure of politics led him to a place where all his past sins could be unearthed to humiliate him.