Adam B.

It's one of the show's tricks: if Eli were really good at his job, half his plots wouldn't have happened in the first place.

It's one of the show's tricks: if Eli were really good at his job, half his plots wouldn't have happened in the first place.

I dunno; Donna Brazile as Herself was pretty weird.

I dunno; Donna Brazile as Herself was pretty weird.

The thing which made me happiest this week was that Geneva was in the room when Peter, yet again, hired/retained a white person based on personal ties (and it was for Cary's old job) rather than seek the best person on merit. It was fascinating when this issue arose last year, and I'm glad the writers have planted the

The thing which made me happiest this week was that Geneva was in the room when Peter, yet again, hired/retained a white person based on personal ties (and it was for Cary's old job) rather than seek the best person on merit. It was fascinating when this issue arose last year, and I'm glad the writers have planted the

Worked for Tom and Ian.

Worked for Tom and Ian.

Sure. Because you don't just flip from being at the bottom of one alliance to the bottom of another; you need to extract a promise of Final Four.

Sure. Because you don't just flip from being at the bottom of one alliance to the bottom of another; you need to extract a promise of Final Four.

@avclub-1a99aae44487990b26c0d98c40afcb49:disqus , given that The Amazing Race no longer rewards (or even much allows for) insane airport strategery, yes.

@avclub-1a99aae44487990b26c0d98c40afcb49:disqus , given that The Amazing Race no longer rewards (or even much allows for) insane airport strategery, yes.

Yep. Because now it's that much harder to blindside them.

Yep. Because now it's that much harder to blindside them.

One of my favorites, that's under-discussed?  The one where Danni Boatwright completely flips the Guatemala game by buying the clue to the Immunity Challenge at auction, wins Immunity, and gets Freakin' Judd blindsided.

One of my favorites, that's under-discussed?  The one where Danni Boatwright completely flips the Guatemala game by buying the clue to the Immunity Challenge at auction, wins Immunity, and gets Freakin' Judd blindsided.

Ask Richard Hatch about that one.

Ask Richard Hatch about that one.

Brilliant, how?  How would getting Pete eliminated have helped his long-term game more than some later use of the Un-Hidden Immunity Idol.

Brilliant, how?  How would getting Pete eliminated have helped his long-term game more than some later use of the Un-Hidden Immunity Idol.