Adam B.

What is a "roly-poly little bat-faced girl"?

What is a "roly-poly little bat-faced girl"?

One and one-half wandering Jews
Returned to their natural coasts
To resume old acquaintances
Step out occasionally
And speculate who had been damaged the most

One and one-half wandering Jews
Returned to their natural coasts
To resume old acquaintances
Step out occasionally
And speculate who had been damaged the most

No episode this season is as good as the CJ-goes-home episode is bad.  And "Twenty Five" is a hell of a clusterfuck, but I love it.

No episode this season is as good as the CJ-goes-home episode is bad.  And "Twenty Five" is a hell of a clusterfuck, but I love it.

I'm your host, Troy McClure. You may remember me from such films as "The Erotic Adventures of Hercules'" and "Dial M for Murderousness."

I'm your host, Troy McClure. You may remember me from such films as "The Erotic Adventures of Hercules'" and "Dial M for Murderousness."

Is this where I confess that I never quite "got" Mindy and Buttons … though my appreciation of Slappy has only grown over time.

Is this where I confess that I never quite "got" Mindy and Buttons … though my appreciation of Slappy has only grown over time.

Also: the Goodfeathers take on Raging Bull.

Also: the Goodfeathers take on Raging Bull.

Or, my goodness, a cartoon that mashes up Apocalypse Now! with Jerry Lewis' unreleased The Day The Clown Cried.

Or, my goodness, a cartoon that mashes up Apocalypse Now! with Jerry Lewis' unreleased The Day The Clown Cried.

Just for fun, we'll run around the Warner movie lot.

Just for fun, we'll run around the Warner movie lot.