Adam B.

Kinda like the "Steppenwolf" production of Moo Cow on The Good Wife.

Oddly, but thankfully, they dropped the whole New Girl's Going After Jim thing … at least this week.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus @avclub-a5fdfa672284da6bf4f4326e2b3698bd:disqus all memories of that season marred by how it ended.  PROD. Ugh.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus , just pick any of the shirtless members of Team Jacob, and say "here. If you find ours, you owe me, and when we both make it to the merge, let's talk."

Thanks, Tasha.  She's sat through Totoro and Ponyo at home with he sister, but I don't know that she was paying much attention or understood what she was seeing at all.

Odds of Axl showing up on time? We're talking about someone that makes Lauryn Hill look prompt and organized.

Anything in the film that would freak out a four-year-old? I know my eight-year-old is game for this, but am not sure if I can bring the pair.

@avclub-141f784f9d5f94e4b73e355ee69343ee:disqus , I have to assume he's the first target for elimination unless you had the alpha dogs already gunning for each other. In that case, you can still justify giving it to Colton insofar as you can use him to blindside an alpha dog you fear, and if Colton himself is gone

@avclub-6090ea4aaa67546aada70551896be84f:disqus , Terry's game was bad because he never lent it to someone else to flip the game.  He came into the merge down 6-4, won five straight individual immunities, and saw his alliance decimated in the process.  Don't confuse going far in the game with having a chance to win it.

Oh, Hantz's game wasn't dumb; he just didn't have the people skills to sell it.

She had to move it before Tribal Council, per the rules (as I heard them), but the right move is to secretly lend it to someone more likely to be there post-merge with whom one could ally.

That man's a Lannister.

Colton is the Gayest Gay Man in the History of Gay, as far as I can tell.  He makes S10's Coby seem like Colby Donaldson.


Honestly, @avclub-9c75bab0f5d964591655e73e7c22c540:disqus , I feel like 30 Rock's more influenced by Family Guy than The Simpsons given its reliance on cutaway gags.

What pre-Sanders tv shows had such "comedy of discomfort," for lack of a better term?

I'm not sure if this is the best episode, but it's certainly my favorite and, I think, the most representative of why people who love the show, love the show.  Mostly because of Zevon. "'French Inhaler' … is that under four minutes?" "I'll play it fast. Anything but 'Werewolves.'"

Basically, it's Studio 60 Syndrome: quit telling us how fucking brilliant everyone is when they don't actually show us any evidence of the characters' brilliance.  That letter?  Come on. (30 Rock, on the other hand, barely shows sketches, and makes clear that we're supposed to believe that TGS is awful.)

But she's in China! We're supposed to get her! What's going to happen to her if we don't get her???

You would have thought her cousin Dionne Warwick would have seen this coming.