Adam B.

It's time for the world to see his masterpiece, THE DAY THE CLOWN CRIED.

Let me just second what @avclub-b4d1b83d321a8cd9f6e8d98cfdfb1f75:disqus said — Lill v Fairplay in that final challenge is perhaps second only to Tom/Ian on the buoys for a great final challenge. Fairplay's attempted negotiations, the "I do yoga," yes.

The letter made it worse.  It was like the "Dear Mr. Sawyer" letter on Lost.

Under no circumstances could Colby have believed that Keith had a better chance of beating him than Tina did.

Also on the dumbest-ever list: Colby taking Tina with him to Final Two.

Darrah had won three straight immunities at that point, @avclub-141f784f9d5f94e4b73e355ee69343ee:disqus .  Yeah, I had to look it up — I don't believe it either.

It was a strategy both times — in HvV, she was explicitly trying to swing the game away from the Vs, but the Heroes were too stupid to listen.

It's part of what Boston Rob did so brilliantly last season — drag people into the finals with him who had no possibility of persuading the jury that they had done anything to merit winning.

If Matthew had any social game, he wouldn't have been in the final two.  She'd have dragged Butch along instead, no?


Lame, lame season, starting with the two returning castaways they chose and suffuse with players uninterested in playing a strategic game. (Everyone should want to go to the finals with Rick.)

It has the most awesomely violent scene in tv history. That's why.

She didn't have a chance. The boy's club that ran the show at the time (Sandler/Farley/Spade) never gave her a chance.  I forget if the show led her to alcoholism or whether it just exacerbated it for her.

Agreed. Survivor is three for its past five — the two Russell seasons and Rob's Redemption, but the Fabio season and the current one.  Depends on casting.

I think the only unredeemable baddie on the show was firm infiltrated Derrick Bond. And maybe, maybe Lemond Bishop —though he does wonderful things for the community through his legitimate businesses.

Not really.  They once let a team that was supposed to drive from Chile to Argentina wind up at the Pacific Ocean, five hours behind the pack.  They let the Groanies fly from Brazil to South Africa via NYC *and* London (everyone else went straight to London), putting them a day behind the rest.  Etc.

EO 13224.  There was a string of episodes in which each had something to do with my law practice.  It was disconcerting.

Wow. Didn't think they could do an episode this good without Eli Gold.

He's still father to Zach and Grace.. Noth's not going away.

It's harassment once they say "go away".