Adam B.

In parts, but over the sum of the series it's certainly not top-five.

Also this week, more Alliance talk. Via TWoP's recap, Rudy said: "If there's any gay horny men out there that want a horny man in return, I know one. I don't agree with his lifestyle and, uh, I told him that. And he probably don't agree with mine. I finally went along with this alliance and if I didn't I'd be out of

I've got no quarrel with the Beasties and Chilis getting in (GNR depends on a peak v. longevity argument), but the real question is what happened to the women?  Heart, Joan Jett, and Donna Summer were on this ballot too.

Seriously, your whole class is only 180-190 people.  ('97 grad.)  You recognize everyone.

@avclub-7445cdf838e562501729c6e31b06aa7b:disqus , that's why firms encourage associates to take on pro bono work. You know, like from the Chicago Legal Aid folks who are allegedly renting space from LG.

Mr. Mom Detective is responsible for one of the three funniest scenes in the show's history — the talking lion speakerphone.

Mamie Gummer!

Yeah, okay, but why would Lockhart/Gardner take a case to arbitration where damages seem to be capped at $35,000?  Even assuming a 33% contingency, that's a money-loser.

I think doing both Peter and Peter's son is too twisted even for her.

+1 on the David Lee thing, but I did love that this week's Good Wife Tackles Technology insight was … butt-dialing.

I'm still counting on Eli's daughter to take on that deed.

I'm pretty sure Osten got the Lazy edit.

That's correct — it was Albert who made the offer, under Coach's instructions that it be a loose one, not a firm "yes, you get to final four."

I don't know how to put myself in the shoes of a woman who has this guy whacking his penis against her over and over after she's told him to stop, or to presume to say how she should have reacted.

Last season, there were two Tribals at 5 — the initial one, and then one with the surviving 4 + Redemption winner, and Boston Rob did use his HII at the second Tribal.

Cochran needed to extract that promise BEFORE HE SWITCHED.  "Coach, if I flip to your side, can you promise me you'll take me to Final Four?"

They may be that dumb, but here's the thing: Coach doesn't care between Edna, Brandon, and Rick as to which two are in the final three with him — he can beat all of them.  He's got to worry about Cochran, Albert, Sophie or Ozzy.

At this point, I assume the producers suggested language to her.

I often re-read the MBTV (now TWOP) recaps before commenting on these pieces, because my episode-to-episode memory isn't the greatest either.

I was able to relocate this phenomenal History of Survivor Spoilers from the Sucks site — I had forgotten about (but now very much remember) the Dog That Didn't Bark theory for season two. http://survivorsucks.yuku.c…