Adam B.

It's not like its lead star just suddenly died about a month ago or anything. (Yeah, I didn't realize it was missing either.)

Ditto on Duets. (Herman's Head, which I was about to invoke, didn't debut until 1991.)

It's wonderful, but I feel like it's one of those films which is severely under-rotation when it comes to cable airings. Really: we've all seen The American President enough times now; we're willing to see other stuff.

I'm also glad that he just flat-out said "I'm assigned to every Lockhart-Gardner case," putting down one elephant in the room.

It's the third recent episode built on an hourglass — the Al Gore case and the death row appeal also had this built-in time frame, and while it worked here it's starting to get annoying.

. "Hubris builds," "Decadent apex," "Bill Clinton and the Frailty of Ambition," "Inevitable downfall"?

Huge cultural phenomenon who booked guests Carson wouldn't — rap/hip-hop stars, pro wrestlers, Howard Stern … all young, contemporary performers, and young people didn't have real options on cable to turn to. This was it. It was generational. Remember: it's his show that Bill Clinton chose to go on in 1992.

Vaya con Dios, Brah.

But how could they have forced Jamie to compete? Yell louder?

If it's like the foreign version, the winner of Redemption Island doesn't come back until near the very end of the season.

Vanuata (boys v. girls) was fun for precisely that reason. Also, you had a great strategist/narrator in Ami and an alliance that was too big not to crumble.

Australia was a fun season because Jerri and Colby were entertaining to watch, plus you had Michael Skupin in the fire.

Except that Janu quit and found herself on the jury during the Tom/Ian season. It's happened before.

I'll go with worst since Thailand (Pornboy Brian's win), in terms of its utter lack of strategy or compelling characters.

Had James L. Brooks only given us BROADCAST NEWS, dayenu.

Habeas appeal, but oddly decided (it seemed) by a single judge (after an ex parte phone call) from a three-judge panel. It was confusing, to say the least. I don't believe a single 7Cir judge can issue a stay.

The clerk, maybe, could get away with cryptic hints. No way a 7th Cir judge in a death penalty case makes an ex parte phone call to inquire about the merits.

Given that hip hop is eligible …
… the exclusion of the Beastie Boys and LL Cool J is unjustifiable.

To-do list for anyone before the Race:

But they didn't have to do anything particularly impressive to win those legs, compared to the Colin/Christies of the past. No airport strategery, no particularly grueling or difficult challenges.