Adam B.

Just glad to see ROME get some recgonition, and indeed that gladiator scene likely wins the It's Not TV, It's HBO Award for the decade for its display of brutal violence far, far, far beyond what networks would allow. (That said, my favorite episode is probably "Caesarion," the first trip down to Egypt with a

Had High School Musical come first, this would have been a hit in its wake. The movies aren't *that* much different.

That sounds right, because the Zevon episode wasn't part of last year's "best of" compilation.

A positive in this movie? Arthur's mom's arc. That graduation ceremony.

Loved her at Second City; she and Adsit were memorable, Fey wasn't then. Here's audio of her and Fey doing the Boston stuff back then: http://undercoverblackman.v…

And that's the thing: the first true gateway to Albini is reading that book, which is essential for a lot of reasons. Oh, D. Boon …

no love for Phila?
This movie will do for antitrust lawyers what Raiders of the Lost Ark did for archeologists!

Oh, please.
Of all the weird things that were going on last night, the notion that Jamie Foxx should be involved in singing/dancing in multiple MJ tributes was far more noxious than this. At least Beyonce can sing.

Clarifying note: you can't get to heaven on the Frankford El because the Frankford El goes straight to Frankford.

It's judges' choice. They've got one hour to hear ten songs and then "deliberate" — in other words, it's a foregone conclusion as to who the three are, unless someone really screws up — likely Noop, Megan and Jasmine.

You missed the worst change of all — they're cutting out the audience audio during the In Memoriam sequence. Grr.

Why does Nick Ashford look like Scar from The Lion King?

Seriously, it's the best/worst show on tv, and I expect coverage here.

And he'll disappear in Hollywood with barely a mention.

Eligibility - Waltz With Bashir
Has any film previously been nominated in both Best Foreign Film *and* Best Animated Film, or Best Foreign *and* Best Documentary Feature?

Mercedes Ruehl
What happened to her? Great in this, great (and Oscar-winning) in The Fisher King, and then seemed to fall of a cliff.

My Only Question
Does Feuerstein get to kill a Nazi? Kill one with his bare hands?

Colbert Report, 4-17-08
The last night in Philadelphia, with cameos by John Edwards ("jet ski!"), repair woman Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, plus a review of the previous night's presidential debate and a visit from our friend Ben Franklin. Just a genius, overstuffed half-hour of funny.

the theme was the problem, not the chefs
I'm sorry, but when you ask chefs to cook Ladies Dancing, Swans A Swimmin' and FIVE! GOLDEN! RINGS! — and as hors d'oeurves — what the hell do you expect they're going to do? The theme gave half the competitors no direction at all. Rather than be oh-so-cutesy with the theme,

Westerberg returned solo after the "ban". Hmm. Louise Lasseur was allegedly "banned", but that one's harder to test.