A Blaffair to Rememblack

So I may have the chronology wrong but I’m going to try to chime in here. The original sin of the Kinja debacle started with the whole Peter Thiel/Hulk Hogan destroying Gawker Media sites thing. Kinja was originally developed for Gawker as part of some weird idea Nick Denton had to develop a social network or some

How recently have you rewatched Iron Man 1? Because I would’ve said what you said based on my memory of the feeling of seeing it in 2008 but it does not hold up well at all

I really like Iron Man 3, like it’s a near “A” for me, but the first two are surprisingly bad and the weirdest thing is that the first Iron Man just doesn’t hold up well at all. It’s crazy because the whole success of the MCU project hinged on that one movie and I’ve rewatched it recently and it’s pretty bad. Like

The old guard left a long time ago. (Phipps Tobias Murray Robinson Rabin etc) This is like the medium guard

I don’t know about Shakespearean but I’ve revisited fairly recently and it is a good fun movie, maybe the best new hero introduction movie other than the first Captain America

Very John Wick-like

Peacemaker and Loki are just really different shows. It’s hard to compare them in any way for me. 

More to the point it’s made by the guy who did “The Specials”

He’s been a great actor for years now. I don’t know why people are surprised by this still

Cena’s acting career eclipsed the Rock’s a long time ago

Same. I really considered dropping the show after the first ep, which was by far the weakest, but in a rare feat it got better as it went along

I agree. But Chris represents the all-American belief that what’s most important is some twisted conception of “freedom.” Adebayo in fact calls him out on this in similar terms

I completely disagree with the idea that this is what the “Watchmen” HBO series and find it so weird for anyone to think this. I thought it was just like the graphic novel where each chapter was it’s own cohesive thing but it tied into a larger story

I thought they were married

It’s probably rare that a showrunner’s wife gets written off a show

I’m generally very against episodes that don’t result in an elimination because Ru has been doing do many of them over the last few seasons of RPDR and All-Stars but I think doing this one at this point in the season worked for the reasons you say

Every time a question is posed to the whole group Jasmine answers it!

In Dreams there are two separate but equally important groups representing the dreamers. The Dream Raiders who stop dream crimes and the dream DAs who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories. Chung chung

Okay it wasn’t the first time, but my larger point still stands: why is this spice valuable? What properties does it have? What purpose does it serve? Star Wars just isn’t sophisticated enough to figure this stuff out

It’s semi-implied that he “runs protection” but the ins and outs of this are never explored. The plot is about him and the other criminal families and that part of the plot is totally unconvincing and lame. And at no point is it really shown what rackets they’re running or what the source of their power and/or money