A Blaffair to Rememblack

Boba Fett doesn’t do any of that other stuff either

There were all these dollar store Dune aspects to the first few episodes. But the problem is that this show, and maybe Star Wars itself (which has tons of Dune ripoff aspects), simply isn’t equipped to tell a story with the political and economic complexity of Dune. Case in point “spice” is introduced in this series

I was hoping for a Gangs of New York type of thing, or like how in Kill Bill they tease how Lucy Lui’s character battled her way to become mob boss of Tokyo. I wanted a show like that.” Lol really? Did you really think there was gonna be a disney plus Star Wars show like that? c’mon

The “we’re not cut out for this” showed there’s been zero character development since the first episode. An impressive “fuck you” to the audience

It’s annoying how the recapper talks about “Cad Bane” (?) as being “fan service” when I’m a fan of Star Wars and I’ve never heard of this motherfucker


If this is the “late” stage, then we can expect it to be over soon, right?”

My point is it should just be “capitalism”. There’s no indication that this nightmare is ending anytime soon. “Neo-liberalism” has a real meaning but has been overused to meaninglessness

I agree but I think the way Maddy behaved in Untucked was atrocious and was not a good example for straight men going into “queer spaces” or whatever

I thought Willow or Lady Camden were going to be the winner

I was so confused by this episode I thought Jorgeous might end up in the bottom two! Like I thought they’d say all she did was show body (ody ody) didn’t really construct anything etc.

“Late Stage Capitalism” is such an optimistic and naive phrase

They never are which is part of what made the challenge so confusing and weird

Kornbread is a sure thing to be on an All-Stars season

I’m old enough to have seen a New Hope in the theater which means I’m also the age where the prequels made no impression on me whatsoever. I barely remember anything about them, certainly not them being dark or gritty. They were the ones that had Jar Jar right?

A Star Wars Crime Saga is kinda what Solo was sort of supposed to be, and having a Star Wars spin on The Sopranos, The Shield, The Wire, Boardwalk Empire or any of the many prestige crime shows sounds like a good time.” People keep saying this and I completely disagree. Star Wars cannot remain Star Wars and also be

It is weird and bad, but it is in keeping with how a lot of cults operate, which is essentially what the whole Jedi thing is

I agree. It’s certainly weird that out of nowhere this show decided to do two episodes of “The Mandalorian” but I’m not complaining because those were the only two episodes of the show that were any good because “The Mandalorian” is just a way better show than “Book of Boba Fett”

I think the problem is deeper than that. I just think the basic success of the Mandalorian, both in terms of quality and popularity, pretty much obviated any need for a Boba Fett series. They successfully made a series about a guy who looked like Boba Fett but cooler, is actually a Madalorian, and is more interesting

Well it’s a very strange tv show in that it sometimes because episodes of a totally different already existing TV show and those are the only halfway good episodes